Doubtful: This statement is absolutely FALSE. Child abuse is everywhere! Nothing any organization does will prevent it.
Yes, child abuse is everywhere. And it is especially bad within fundamentalist and evangelical religions. What a religious organization has to do (and it won't) is change the theological teachings that create a victim-predator environment.
The problem of child abuse goes far beyond just the organizational structure. The problem is embedded in the religious teachings themselves.
Do you remember the Duggar sex scandal? This following article is a response to that scandal and it discusses how the religious teachings are responsible for fostering a climate of child abuse:
Of course the above article is talking about a different religion than the JWs, but it isn't difficult to make the transition to the similarities in JW doctrine and practice.
This is another article that examines how fundamental religions contribute to a victim culture by removing agency and bodily autonomy:
When it comes to combating child abuse within the JWs, I think the problem is far, far more serious and systemic than just a reporting issue. Making the reporting of suspected cases of child abuse is a band-aid solution at best. The festering wound will never heal - the infection arises from the belief system itself.