4:38 of the above video...or thereabouts...the commentator says that tRump has the right to say whatever he wants (free speech) "...as long as he doesn't use his government influence to silence people...". Apparently, from earlier comments in this video, the commentator has confined 'using government influence' as only those acts that are put into legal motion. Or something like that...
I disagree with this view.
Everybody, every single person on this planet, has a political position. And that position is designated by the person's relationship to power. Trump has a political position. And that position is very, very influential. To ignore that is to ignore a whole herd of elephants stampeding through the newsroom.
Trump owes everyone in America the right to be represented (Trump's voice is the voice of America) by someone who uses his free speech responsibly. Trump doesn't do that. Trump's voice does, indeed, silence people regardless of whether the words are an executive order or not. He speaks literally (legally) for all of America on the world stage. He speaks for you. His voice is your voice. That is the way politics and power works.
Trump's words silence people. Because of who he is politically. To ignore that is perilous.