Dsp: Or could there be two competing class actions? With plaintiffs having to CHOOSE which one they want to join??
It appears as though there are two requests for class actions in the works:
This video, I think..., is addressing the class action request that was filed through Higgerty Law in Calgary but filed in Ontario. And there has been another class action filed in Quebec.
In Canada, requests for Quebec class action cases are considered separately. The choice is made for you depending on where you live:
Quebec stands alone in the Canadian common law legal landscape with a French-inherited legal system inspired by the Napoleonic Code. Unsurprisingly, Quebec’s class action regime differs from that of the jurisdictions surrounding it.
And, for all the hype and attention that these cases are getting, it would be prudent to keep in mind that the requests for class actions have been filed. That is all that has happened. The first step has been taken but there is no assurance that either of the cases will proceed any further than where they sit right now. Neither of these class actions have been approved/authorized and from what I could read about the one in particular (the Calgary one, I think...), there is only one plaintiff, so far, named in that action