Glen How appears just before 13:00 in this documentary film:
It is interesting that the JWs' actions and their anti-Catholic and anti-government message that they were spreading are identified in the film as falling under the category of "hate crime" if they were to occur in today's political climate. And Glen How bristles at the 'harassment' that the JWs received after they started spreading their hateful messages
Yes, a JW at his core. Blaming everyone and everything else for the persecution that they themselves invited and not only that, desired.
"It is considered a sin if anybody disagrees with a doctor; says Glen How; a Jehovah's Witness lawyer who has been doing that all his professional life."
A must have photo in a thread about Glen How:
Leo Greenless, W. Glen How, Nathan H. Knorr, Percy Chapman
*Greenless and Chapman...hmmmmmmm............hmmm