Maybe Brother Kenneth could re-print this magazine so it can be displayed prominently on the carts:
JoinedPosts by OrphanCrow
Super Bowl public witnessing campaign Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN
by wifibandit indear friends,.
the 2018 super bowl is an event that will attract the attention of millions of people, and will draw guests from around the world.
it is being held in minneapolis, minnesota this february 4th.
Spirit Channeling at Wallkill's Bethel
by Marie33 inlook what an ex-bethelite has to say about the spirit channeling he saw first hand up at wallkill:.
now i believe rayven's story of horror at brooklyn bethel:.
silentbuddha: I hung out with one of them playing basketball and a few months later invited me to a post-family study watchtower study. I went and while I was there they had all of these extra books (not WT literature) and they were cross-referencing with this and that. Way more than I was ready for. And they were all calling each other "god". I was like WTF.
Some of them ended up being kicked-out. They were combining 5% and Watchtower teachings and NOI stuff. I will admit it was the first time I actually learned that the NOI and the founder William Fard Muhammad used Charles Taze Russell teachings as the bases for early NOI doctrine. WTFInteresting
I found this thread from 12 years ago:
and this one:
W. Glen How & Associates LLP - who are they?
by George One Time in
this law firm seems to exit for the sole purpose of defending the jw organisation.
am i correct?.
Gorbatchov: How can a law firm share the same adress with the Society?
By existing solely to be the legal voice of that Society.
The "Society" AKA WTS/Org is a legalistic organization. W Glen How and Associates are the ones who represent that "society" on the international stage:
Kuznetsov and Others v Russia, No 184/02 (11 January 2007)
Members of the Gldani Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses and Others v Georgia, No 71156/01 (3 May 2007)
Jehovah’s Witnesses of Moscow v Russia, No 302/02 (10 June 2010)
Bukharatyan v Armenia, No 37819/03 (10 January 2012)
Tsaturyan v Armenia, No 37821/03 (10 January 2012)
Begheluri v Georgia, No 28490/02 (7 October 2014)
UNHRC, Abdullayev v Turkmenistan, Communication No. 2218/2012, Views adopted 25 March 2015, UN Doc CCPR/C/113/D/2218/2012, 18 May 2015
Hudaybergenov v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2221/2012, Views adopted on 29 October 2015
Hudaybergenov v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2222/2012, Views adopted on 29 October 2015
Japparow v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2223/2012, Views adopted on 29 October 2015
Aminov v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2220/2012, Views adopted on 14 July 2016
Matyakubov v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2224/2012, Views adopted on 14 July 2016
Nasyrlayev v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2219/2012, Views adopted on 15 July 2016
Yegendurdyyev v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2227/2012, Views adopted on 14 July 2016
Nurjanov v Turkmenistan, communication No. 2225/2012, Views adopted on 15 July 2016
Uchetov v. Turkmenistan, communication No. 2226/2012, Views adopted on 15 July 2016
OTHER INTERNATIONAL (see inter alia)
Prosecutor's Office of Armavir Region v Margaryan, No. VKB-67/2002, 19 April 2002 (Cassation Court of the Republic of Armenia)
Prosecutor's Office of Armavir Region v Pirapyan, No. ARD1/0028/06/10, 23 July 2010 (Cassation Court of the Republic of Armenia)
MH v AT, No. EADD/1513/02/08, 4 April 2011 (Cassation Court of the Republic of Armenia)
Christian Religious Organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Republic of Armenia v City of Yerevan et al, No. VD/2486/05/13, 29 July 2015 (Cassation Court of the Republic of Armenia)
Religious Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses et al v State Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic for Work with Religious Associations et al, No. 2(102)-1353/11, 24 May 2011 (Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic)
Niftaliyev et al v Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic et al, No. 2-2(102)83/2013, 30 January 2013 (Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic)
Religious Community of Jehovah’s Witnesses et al v State Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic for Work with Religious Associations, No. 2-2(102)-110/14, 29 January 2014 (Supreme Court of the Azerbaijan Republic)
“Political Association of Georgia” the National Movement “Georgia Over All” v Representation of Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Kobe Municipal Industrial Technical College v Kunihito Kobayashi, No. 74 (March 8, 1996)
Misae Takeda v The State, and six other persons—Tokyo District Court, Civil Division, Section No. 34, No. 10624
Astana City Prosecutor v Bukin, No. 3a-14/2013, 16 January 2013 (Astana City Court)
Christian Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses et al v Agency for Religious Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 2k-619-14, 6 May 2014 (Cassation Chamber of the Astana City Court)
Religious Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Kyrgyz Republic v State Commission on Religion Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, No. 6-208/12 AD, 31 May 2012 (Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic)
Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic decision of 19 November 2013, declaring parts of the “Law on the Universal Military Duty of Citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and on Military and Alternative Service” to be unconstitutional
Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of the Kyrgyz Republic of 4 September 2014, declaring parts of the “Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Freedom of Religion and Religious Organizations in the Kyrgyz Republic” to be unconstitutional
Public Prosecutor v Raman s/o Raman Nair and 22 Others mac 3022-3060, Subordinate Courts No. 6
Public Prosecutor v Dennis Kok Hoong Tan & 4 Others mac 3012/95 & ors, Subordinate Courts No. 10
Dashoguz City Prosecutor’s Office v Nurrylayev, No. 6j93/12, 10 October 2012 (Supreme Court of Turkmenistan)
Dashoguz City Prosecutor’s Office v Salayev, No. 6j96/12, 9 October 2012 (Supreme Court of Turkmenistan)
Turkmenabat City Prosecutor’s Office v Hemdemov, No. 6/4-67-15, 25 August 2015 (Supreme Court of Turkmenistan)
Novomoskovsk (City of) v Shalaiko, 23 June 2015 (High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases)
W. Glen How & Associates LLP - who are they?
by George One Time in
this law firm seems to exit for the sole purpose of defending the jw organisation.
am i correct?.
Okay, Waton, let's see what I can find.
(where did the photos from my last post disappear to? I must have done something wrong...trying again...)
Leo Greenless, Glen How, Nathan Knorr and Percy Chapman
"It is considered a sin if anybody disagrees with a doctor; says Glen How; a Jehovah's Witness lawyer who has been doing that all his professional life."
W. Glen How & Associates LLP - who are they?
by George One Time in
this law firm seems to exit for the sole purpose of defending the jw organisation.
am i correct?.
Glen How appears just before 13:00 in this documentary film:
It is interesting that the JWs' actions and their anti-Catholic and anti-government message that they were spreading are identified in the film as falling under the category of "hate crime" if they were to occur in today's political climate. And Glen How bristles at the 'harassment' that the JWs received after they started spreading their hateful messages
Yes, a JW at his core. Blaming everyone and everything else for the persecution that they themselves invited and not only that, desired.
"It is considered a sin if anybody disagrees with a doctor; says Glen How; a Jehovah's Witness lawyer who has been doing that all his professional life."
A must have photo in a thread about Glen How:
Leo Greenless, W. Glen How, Nathan H. Knorr, Percy Chapman
*Greenless and Chapman...hmmmmmmm............hmmm
W. Glen How & Associates LLP - who are they?
by George One Time in
this law firm seems to exit for the sole purpose of defending the jw organisation.
am i correct?.
Yeah, Dsp. His name was W Glen How. But, for those JW Canadians who got to claim "same country of origin" status...he was just called, 'affectionately', "Glen". Like a buddy of similar ilk, ya know
I have memories of my mom and dad talking of Glen How as tho he was the next door neighbor. And their chests would puff up with pride. Hero status for sure - bow down and touch your forehead to the ground kind of hero
W. Glen How & Associates LLP - who are they?
by George One Time in
this law firm seems to exit for the sole purpose of defending the jw organisation.
am i correct?.
Yes, you are somewhat correct.
Glen How, now deceased, was a staunch JW who defended the WTS in legal matters on many occasions.
Presently, the Glen How law firm sends lawyers over to Russia and elsewhere to represent the org on international matters.
Glen How was instrumental in establishing the groundwork for the noblood court cases and he was the one who wrote "Religion, Medicine and Law" in 1960. That article can be found several places online but notably, it is found on page 233 in this book/volume here:
Alternatives to Blood Transfusions 1973
*edit to add:
this is a much better copy of his seminal work - "Blood Transfusion: a legal, religious and medical issue"
of which "Religion, Medicine and Law" is just one chapter
Glen How is one person who can be held accountable for countless blood deaths during the last 6+ decades. He established the legal framework for that death dealing doctrine
If mathematics teacher made a mistake, would it mean mathematics itself is wrong!
by venus inmany people point to the irrationality in the depiction of god by the religions and their scriptures, hence jump into the bottomless pit of atheism.
in either camp, god is not a factor because religion is only a means that misrepresents god, hence religionists themselves are atheists (literally, those who live without god).
it is like saying there exists no earth because you found out your friend who taught earth is flat is wrong; or it is like saying mathematics itself is wrong because you found out your mathematics teacher made a mistake.
“The basic rule of the psychic universe is that “like attracts like.” Similarly, “love promotes love,” so that the person who has let go of a lot of inner negativity is surrounded by loving thoughts, loving events, loving people, and loving pets. This phenomenon explains many scriptural quotations and common sayings that have puzzled the intellect, such as, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer,” and “Those who have, get.” As a general rule, therefore, people who are carrying the consciousness of apathy bring poverty circumstances into their lives, and those with a prosperity consciousness bring abundance into their lives. Because all living things are connected on vibrational energy levels, our basic emotional state is picked up and reacted to by all life forms around us. It is well known that animals can instantly read a person’s basic emotional state. There are experiments demonstrating that even the growth of bacteria is affected by human emotions, and that plants register measurable reactions to our emotional state (Backster, 2003).”
― David R. Hawkins, Letting Go: The Pathway of SurrenderTrolling? How about plagiarism?
Venus plagiarizes "her" material. She is a thief. She steals ideas and thoughts of others and claims them as her own.
Venus is dishonest as hell
Quest for truth? hahahahahaha
Serbia: "Parents from hell sentenced the baby to die in a hospital" - Mon, Nov 27, 2017
by darkspilver inthere's been some front page coverage in serbia today (mon, nov 27, 2017).
monster parents condemned baby to death!
- alo!.
Morpheus - Russia isn't communist.
Modern Russia is not communist. It is a capitalist society.
It may be correct to label Russia "authoritarian" or maybe even "totalitarian" (but I don't think totalitarian is the correct term really).
If mathematics teacher made a mistake, would it mean mathematics itself is wrong!
by venus inmany people point to the irrationality in the depiction of god by the religions and their scriptures, hence jump into the bottomless pit of atheism.
in either camp, god is not a factor because religion is only a means that misrepresents god, hence religionists themselves are atheists (literally, those who live without god).
it is like saying there exists no earth because you found out your friend who taught earth is flat is wrong; or it is like saying mathematics itself is wrong because you found out your mathematics teacher made a mistake.