dropoffyourkey: A great dose of skepticism here, from this old Ohio boy
What is it that you are skeptical of, Dropoff?
Are you skeptical that Himmler wrote this letter? Are you skeptical that this is a correct translation of the entire letter?
This letter has been quoted by several authors - some time ago I read an excerpt from this letter that was published in a credible source (it has been years since I researched Himmler and I can't remember in which book I first encountered this letter though...it may have been in Padfield's biography or in one of the books about the SS that I read). It is not too difficult to find reference to Himmler's post war plans for the JWs but it is only on the Russian website that I found the entire letter. Usually just small extracts are printed.
According to this webpage here, it may be possible that at least a part of the letter is published in "Unshaken Will" by Bernard Rammerstorfer which is a book about Leopold Engleitner. I am unable to access the book to check that out.
I am not skeptical about this letter. It fits within everything I have read about Heinrich Himmler.
*to add:
This should lay to rest any skepticism over whether Himmler had post war plans for the JWs and any skepticism as to the date of the letter. From CIA files:
For an understanding of Himmler's Eastern racial policy one must remember that
with his education in animal husbandry, his impressionable years as a disciple of
Rosenberg, Ludendorff, and Hitler, and his passion for breeding rabbits, Himmler seriously
thought of himself as a breeder of men and nations. His projects within the SS
are sufficient evidence of this distorted conviction; and the opposite side of his delusion
that he could breed a German racial "elite" was his conviction that he could
destroy the vital force of other nationalities. His approach to this problem is illustrated
by a memorandum of 21 July 1944, addressed to Kaltenbrunner, head of the
RSHA, and circulated only in the highest Nazi circles, in which Himmler outlines a
fantastie project to establish a new zone of German settlement in the Russian territories.
Within this zone, the native elements were to be forced into a "peaceful and
disarmed frame of mind," which required the imposition of a religion, unlike Orthodox
or Catholic Christianity, which would induce a submissive spirit. Towards this end
Himmler proposed using as missionaries the pacifistic Bibelforscher (Bible Students),
who had in his eyes "really ideal qualities," among them oppOsition to the Jews, the
Catholic Church, and the Pope, while for the Turcoman tribes he suggested the introduction
of Buddhism. As a first step towards this scheme he proposed more lenient
treatment of the Bibelforicher then imprisoned in concentration camps, thus permitting
their use for "confidential work" within the camps as a preparation for this later
missionary work in conquered Russia!