I have been thinking...about Slim's comment:
Facts don't speak for themselves. That's why I assemble them and deploy them in a pleasing and compelling fashion
So I thought it might be fun to take the same liberty and rearrange "facts" in a compelling fashion
Here is a theory (heehee...yeah, just a theory, no conspiracy about it...a compelling theory, you might say)
I imagine being one the dudes at the top. On the top of the WT heap and I look down from my lofty perch and see the unruly masses. So many of them. Too many that are misbehaving and too many that you could certainly do without.
What if, Slim, the "decline" in membership is deliberate and wanted by the powers who be? What if the org has decided that it is best to pare down and get rid of those who aren't loyal (true believers only) and those who will donate more more money ( true rich believers only need apply)?
And here is something else. We don't know what is going on elsewhere but we have hints. We do know that the org has literature going into school systems in a third world country. What if that is happening is several 3rd world countries?
We also know that JWs in African countries are petitioning their governments for money to put into their publishers acting as literacy teachers. Is the huge printing plant that was recently built in South Africa still operational? What is happening there?
And speaking of Africa...what a fertile ground for bloodless medicine. Huge potential there. Huge. The JWs who are high up in the world of patient blood management have been grooming Africa for years. What a great hook up. That great big continent in need of blood so bad. And China - again a country groomed by JW bloodless guys. And India...and South America.
Is the org collapsing?
I doubt it
Will there be a mass exodus soon?
Not a mass exodus but a decline for sure. And maybe an orchestrated decline - 8 million is a lot to keep a handle on. A decline in the Western world at least. Not in developing and 3rd world countries. Growth there. Potential galore.