Wonder: Amgen is supporting innovative technique like patient blood management research and information initiatives therefore it sponsors also presumably unknowingly associations that engage sometimes a JW speaker who promotes bloodless medicine.
Good post, Wonder.
I wouldn't call it "unkowingly" associations, though. Not at all.
Check out the authors of this study that was funded by Amgen:
Critical Role of Iron in Epoetin Alfa Treatment of Chemotherapy-Associated Anemia
Shannon Farmer - a Jehovah's Witness
Axel Hofmann - a Jehovah's Witness
Sherri Ozawa - a Jehovah's Witness
And of course - Aryeh Shander, the WT's bloodless hero, a "cooperative doctor" and WT "expert" on all things bloodless.
The other two I don't know much about - the names and faces shift rapidly around a core group of JWs and their associates who sit on the top of the bloodless pile.