fastjehu: I don't know this. The churches do not have to make their tax returns public.
That's too bad. Canada and the UK do publish abbreviated returns that give some financial information.
I am going to take a shot in the dark and speculate that the org does have to reconcile the assessed tax amount with the amount reported for donations in lieu of levying tithes/tax on its membership in Germany and possibly other European countries that levy a form of church tax on church members.
That would account for the large sum of money transferred from the UK branch over to Germany around the same time that the org got their public law status in Germany. It is possible that Germany had to come up with a substantial amount to cover the expected tax/donations they had to show on their tax return.
Which would also explain the upping of pressure for donations everywhere. What could be happening, depending on how much the org is getting assessed for church tax in European countries, is that the rest of the world is ending up bailing out JWs in Europe who would rather not pay the church tax that has been levied against them, especially if there are certain JWs who have considerable income.
Maybe the European church taxes are draining money off the rest of the org. Maybe there are JWs with money in those countries that are using the org to pay the tax for them. Which would be JWs who don't have the luxury of declaring themselves no longer JWs because they have built their careers around their JW reputation.
And, then, once all that church tax money ends up in Germany, the org would have to do something with the money that has landed there - they would likely have a disbursement quota of around 80% (that is what Canada has for charities) - and that is why the printing etc has been re-located to Germany and goodbye to all those plans for the UK expansion.