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Saskatchewan survivors of sexual violence can now access two hours of free advice from a lawyer.
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saskatchewan survivors of sexual violence can now access two hours of free advice from a lawyer.
This may be important to somebody who reads this
Saskatchewan survivors of sexual violence can now access two hours of free advice from a lawyer.
Read full article at link
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
Canadian law is no different, Morph.
Innocent until proven guilty
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
Morph: Crow, if there is not search warrant than you cant break into someones home and search no matter what you think you “know”.
There is a process.
I realize that. I am not unaware of the process
And the process is playing out.
My point was that if an accused holds evidence, then they cannot be proved guilty until that evidence is revealed
How that plays out is dependent upon jurisdictional laws
Getting a search warrant isn't fool proof. There was a JW abuse case in Canada (2005) where the "evidence" was collected from congregation files by a search warrant and that evidence was considered inadmissible. Case dismissed
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
Bobby; he has stolen merchandise
It's locked up. Nobody can access it.
People know about it but I don't have the key to the place it is locked up in. I can't prove it.
The thief has the evidence and nobody can get to it.
Now what?
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
Bobby: If he’s a thief that has stolen merchandise in his possession, then he’s not innocent, is he?
Prove it
If you can't prove that he has that stolen merchandise - he is innocent
judge orders jehovah’s witnesses to turn over internal documents related to childhood sexual abuse.
april 12, 2018. .
Bobby: Because there is a fundamental principle that governs all civilized societies; INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty.
The presumption is always that of innocence.
Well, that is handy
The one being accused holds the "proof" and they won't let that "evidence" be accessible.
Good gig if you can land it.
That would be like the thief who locks up all his stolen merchandise and then jumps up and down saying "I am innocent!"
the video invitation for the 2018 convention is just creepy.
i thought it was some parody at first as it seems 'dark'.it begins with a young man being pushed whilst standing at his locker and the voice over says that 'in critical times we need courage more than ever'.
next, comes a clip of a male putting his hand on the shoulder of a female worker, the look she gives him would be enough to give him nightmares for the next year.
The org has no shame
Two social issues in the news this past year and they use that to promote their cult
Pfffttt...the metoo movement and school bullying
As though being inside the org offers a solution. Huh. One of the most dangerous places for a woman is inside the JW cult and I don't even want to talk about why school bullying has been in people's minds this past year
two tourists from europe sparked a local measles york state health officials say anyone who visited the following locations may have been exposed:- kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses in brooklyn (april 15th)- watchtower facilities in orange and putnam counties (april 16th and 17th)health officials say the risk of developing measles is low for anyone who has been vaccinated or is immune.symptoms include fever, rash a cough and runny nose.anyone who thinks they may have been affected should call their doctor if they experience symptoms.. this is the second measles exposure at wt locations in ny.
the last one occurred 2 months ago:.
Shirley: what's up with foreign JWs and the measles?
I don't think it is just JWs.
Measles has spiked dramatically in European countries:
Europe has seen a big surge in measles cases in 2017, which the World Health Organization says is a tragedy after a record low of 5,273 cases in 2016.
Cases increased four-fold, with more than 20,000 people affected and 35 deaths.
Fifteen European region countries, including the UK, had large outbreaks. Measles cases were highest in Romania, Italy and Ukraine.
People shunning vaccination is part of the problem, say experts.
Although research published 20 years ago about a possible link between the MMR vaccine and autism has been discredited, the scare it created damaged some people's trust of the vaccine.
Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can be deadly.
The MMR vaccine can prevent it.
two tourists from europe sparked a local measles york state health officials say anyone who visited the following locations may have been exposed:- kingdom hall of jehovah's witnesses in brooklyn (april 15th)- watchtower facilities in orange and putnam counties (april 16th and 17th)health officials say the risk of developing measles is low for anyone who has been vaccinated or is immune.symptoms include fever, rash a cough and runny nose.anyone who thinks they may have been affected should call their doctor if they experience symptoms.. this is the second measles exposure at wt locations in ny.
the last one occurred 2 months ago:.
Two tourists from Europe sparked a local measles scare.
New York State health officials say anyone who visited the following locations may have been exposed:
- Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses in Brooklyn (April 15th)
- Watchtower facilities in Orange and Putnam Counties (April 16th and 17th)
Health officials say the risk of developing measles is low for anyone who has been vaccinated or is immune.
Symptoms include fever, rash a cough and runny nose.
Anyone who thinks they may have been affected should call their doctor if they experience symptoms.
This is the second measles exposure at WT locations in NY. The last one occurred 2 months ago:
i have noticed some posters (with frustration) asking for information regarding the nwt in various language editions.
here is a list of some of the nwt revised language editions published so far:.
albanian; arabic; armenian; chinese traditional 2017; danish 2017; dutch-netherlands 2017; estonian; haitian creole; italian 2017; korean 2014; modern greek 2017; norwegian 2017; portuguese 2015; romanian; russian; swahili 2017; swedish 2017; ukrainian; vietnamese.. not yet published: .
Slim: Languages with more than 100,000 JWs that have no new Bible include: Spanish, French, German, Polish,Russian, Japanese, Tagalog.
Several copies of the Russian translation of the JW Bible can likely be found is a warehouse someplace near the Finnish-Russian border.
We know the org did a Russian translation of their Bible because 2,016 copies were seized back in 2015 when the org shipped them to Russia and last year, the JW bible was banned in Russia. It was the new translation because one of the contentions was the insertion of "Jehovah" in the NT.