"...an unauthorized elderette"
Is there any other kind of elderette besides unauthorized ones?
i have just received an email from an elder's wife regarding the new data protection laws.
between the lines it sounds like she has been asked to contact me.. she says they 'don't want to leave me out' so they want me to fill out the form as 'i'm still part of the congregation'.
also, my blood card needs updating, apparently.. the elder in charge will be in contact.. obviously, i'm not doing either, but what do i do?
"...an unauthorized elderette"
Is there any other kind of elderette besides unauthorized ones?
i am posting this in this section (child abuse) because of the impact the catholic church has on what transpires in the religio-socio-legal realm that the jws are also embroiled in, concerning institutional abuses.. the catholic church is not willing to apologize for their role in the horrific abuses that occurred in canada in the residential school system for the canadian indigenous population.. for anyone who is interested in background on this dark chapter of canadian history, the truth and reconciliation report is available here - it is a hefty volume that is very difficult to read and it is the result of a royal commission on aboriginal peoples.. the pope has refused to offer an apology and it has become a controversial subject in canadian politics:.
'no government tells the pope what to say': priest defends lack of apology for residential schools.
a canadian priest is defending pope francis' decision not to apologize to indigenous people in canada for the role the catholic church played in the residential school system.about 150,000 first nation, inuit and métis children were taken from their parents by law and forced to attend church-run residential schools.
Not to make light of a dark subject...well, maybe I am. It is the way I sometimes deal with horrific things/stuff.
This is a photo that accompanied the Pope stories:
I have always thought that the Catholic Guardian of Doctrine resembles another Guardian of Doctrine:
Note that each of those G.O.Ds have their hands on their heads - the pope has his hand touched to his forehead and the G-B has his hand all the way on top of his head.
There is a branch of "science" that studies body behavior in order to detect if someone is lying. From what I can remember, one of the indications that a person is being deceptive is that they will touch their face with their hand somehow - with their finger to their lip or cheek or something like that.
Looking at those two photos, I would say that those G.O.Ds must have a lot they are covering up.
i am posting this in this section (child abuse) because of the impact the catholic church has on what transpires in the religio-socio-legal realm that the jws are also embroiled in, concerning institutional abuses.. the catholic church is not willing to apologize for their role in the horrific abuses that occurred in canada in the residential school system for the canadian indigenous population.. for anyone who is interested in background on this dark chapter of canadian history, the truth and reconciliation report is available here - it is a hefty volume that is very difficult to read and it is the result of a royal commission on aboriginal peoples.. the pope has refused to offer an apology and it has become a controversial subject in canadian politics:.
'no government tells the pope what to say': priest defends lack of apology for residential schools.
a canadian priest is defending pope francis' decision not to apologize to indigenous people in canada for the role the catholic church played in the residential school system.about 150,000 first nation, inuit and métis children were taken from their parents by law and forced to attend church-run residential schools.
I am posting this in this section (Child Abuse) because of the impact the Catholic Church has on what transpires in the religio-socio-legal realm that the JWs are also embroiled in, concerning institutional abuses.
The Catholic Church is not willing to apologize for their role in the horrific abuses that occurred in Canada in the Residential School system for the Canadian Indigenous population.
For anyone who is interested in background on this dark chapter of Canadian history, the Truth and Reconciliation report is available here - it is a hefty volume that is very difficult to read and it is the result of a Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
The Pope has refused to offer an apology and it has become a controversial subject in Canadian politics:
'No government tells the Pope what to say': Priest defends lack of apology for residential schools
A Canadian priest is defending Pope Francis' decision not to apologize to Indigenous people in Canada for the role the Catholic Church played in the residential school system.
About 150,000 First Nation, Inuit and Métis children were taken from their parents by law and forced to attend church-run residential schools. At least 6,000 children died at the schools from disease, mishaps and abuse, according to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).
A papal apology was one of the 94 recommendations made by the TRC. During a visit to the Vatican last year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau personally asked the Pope to consider such a gesture.
A letter released Tuesday by Lionel Gendron, the president of the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, says Pope Francis "felt that he could not personally respond" to the TRC request.
*read rest of article at link
This article quotes Murray Sinclair, the senator who led the Truth and Reconciliation Commission:
Pope's decision to not issue apology 'a slap in the face,' residential school survivor says
Winnipeg Archbishop Richard...Gagnon said the Pope is aware of the TRC and its recommendations, and has expressed sorrow for injustices suffered by Indigenous people around the world. Gagnon also pointed out that Pope Benedict XVI expressed sorrow for the treatment of Canada's Indigenous people in a meeting with former Assembly of First Nations National Chief Phil Fontaine.
Senator Murray Sinclair, who led the TRC, said that expression of sorrow was not enough.
"It's like the driver of a car saying, 'I'm sorry that you got hurt when I ran you down, but I'm not responsible for the fact that the car ran you down," he said.
There is no excuse for not apologizing, Sinclair said, adding he suspects their reluctance to do so might be because of ongoing litigation in Canada and elsewhere.
"Also I believe there is a strong element within the church leadership that residential school survivors are not telling the truth," he said.
Many survivors have said that they need an apology in order to heal, Sinclair said, and refusing to issue one threatens to widen schisms within Indigenous communities between Christian and non-Christian people.
About 72 per cent of residential schools included in the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement were Catholic schools, Sinclair said.
"The Anglican Church has apologized, the United Church has issued an apology, the Presbyterians have issued an apology. But we've heard nothing of that sort from the Catholics," he said.
*full article at link
The Canadian government has responded:
MPs vote overwhelmingly to call on Pope to apologize for church's role in residential schools
By a vote of 269 to 10, MPs backed a motion today to invite Pope Francis to Canada so that he can apologize in person for the Roman Catholic Church's role in the Indian residential school system.
The motion, introduced by NDP MP Charlie Angus, also calls on the church to respect its "moral obligations" and the "spirit" of the 2006 Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, which included a pledge by the church to raise funds for survivors.
The church has never fulfilled its commitment to raise $25 million for residential school survivor healing programs.
The motion also calls on the church to hand over "relevant documents" it may have in its possession that disclose the horrors of the residential school system. Those documents could be made available upon request to survivors of the schools, their families or scholars.
I have a couple photos and some more comments that I will post next...
i am interested in the approach this forum takes to money.
apart from sex, (which i am quite relaxed about) it seems to me that wealth is the surest divider between those who are moral, and those who are not.. it seems jesus thought so, also.
luke 16:19-31 kjv describes well enough his dusty attitude to the rich who do not succour the poor.. and this world has many poor: so many, it might seem that we can do nothing about it, and twist his words; 'the poor ye shall have always with you, but me, ye shall not have always.
SRM: Just a voluntary, charitable, redistribution of the world's wealth.
That state of mind is irrational.
And, rather ridiculous.
Lol! We will let you be the one to tell all the crime bosses your new plan.
our dog needed some serius surgery recently & my wife (still in) was very concerned that if he needed a blood transfusion she thought this would constitute a misuse of blood.
i was stunned as never heard of this.. is this a thing?
i left 12 years ago & wondered if it's always been or introduced in the years after my leaving.. any info would be great.. phats.
neatdog: It's ironic:
JWs can take something made from cows blood, who have died, and this if anything is closer to a violation of the command to give life back when it is taken by pouring the blood out after killing an animal. However, JWs can't take blood from a human who didn't die to give it.
It is more than ironic.
The org's approval of cow's blood is a clear indication that their blood phobia has nothing at all to do with a biblical position. Nothing at all.
our dog needed some serius surgery recently & my wife (still in) was very concerned that if he needed a blood transfusion she thought this would constitute a misuse of blood.
i was stunned as never heard of this.. is this a thing?
i left 12 years ago & wondered if it's always been or introduced in the years after my leaving.. any info would be great.. phats.
phats: Our dog needed some serius surgery recently & my wife (still in) was very concerned that if he needed a blood transfusion she thought this would constitute a misuse of blood. I was stunned as never heard of this.
Well, your wife doesn't need to worry if the vet has some Oxyglobin hanging around.
Oxyglobin is an HBOC (hemoglobin based oxygen carrier) derived from cow's blood that is pretty much exactly the same as Hemopure. They are both made by the same company.
The difference between the two products is that Oxyglobin has been approved by the FDA for use in animals but Hemopure does not have approval for use in humans (unless you are a JW...then you can get the same blood product that is used for dogs).
JWs (and their dogs) can use cow's blood. And, the dog's blood product has been approved by the FDA.
with the exponential grow in computer processing power and deep mind studies of intelligence and ai and the possibility that we can hook up our minds to this super intelligence(elon musk's solution) and that this super intelligence can explore what is,, without human bias and selfishness and come to better non violent solutions to the big problems facing humans and all things.
i see a super intelligence if made in the best possible way would have to be without any built in bias obscures information and will be faulty.. i'm thinking that with great advancements in the fields of psychology, and science the human race will reap many benefits money may even become a thing of the past the way i see it.. being that we are humans capable of both good and bad this technology increase will mean some suffering from man's bad side it can't be helped but i do feel that man's evolution will move in a rather rapid exponential direction towards good by us coming to terms with recognizing our shadow(jung) and emptying it, this alone would stop a lot of warring and a much more sane relationship with other governments.
the more shadow projections we take back the better we get along with people the less we take offence, i see it becoming common knowledge in the future and more psychological profiles of world leaders up for grabs with this increase in information acting as a teacher for the public to tone down violent tendencies of these leaders.
Probably not.
Artificial Intelligence would likely see the best and most rational solution to the human species' problems as a simple one:
according to these sources (city of ancient ugaritic tablets found in 1928) , elyon divided up all the nations into seventy nations, one for each of his sons (elim) .
sons of god makes the most sense than the sons of israel-deut.
32:8 especially since there was no nation of israel listed in the table of nations.
You are most welcome, Mr. I_love_Jeff.
The Ugarit texts are quite fascinating.
I had the privilege (and pleasure) of taking a class from Dr. Foley in 1993/4 (?). At the time, he had a dig in Ugarit that he visited every second summer. I wish I could understand all that he taught and I wish I could remember everything that he lectured about. I do remember, though, that he was an incredible person and really, really smart.
Dr. Foley was responsible for demystifying the Old Testament for me. I owe a lot to him
i am stoked about going to see dweezil zappa in concert on thursday.
it is going to be a date night, and the person i am taking never had the chance to see his father frank in concert.
i know that she will appreciate the complexity and beauty of his music, as well as some of his off-color humor.. yes "humor does belong in music!".
JRK: he was also my Sex Ed instructor
Zappa brings back so many memories...parties and beer in the garage
I think this is my favorite Zappa:
not sure where i picked this up:.
self explanatory science and medical advice from the faithful and brilliant servant class in brooklyn________________________________________thomas edison, the inventor and electrician, of phonograph and telephone fame, has been experimenting with the new light "x-rays.
" and has succeeded in taking a photograph through oak eight inches thick.
The quack medical advice that was/is offered through the org/society is simply a reflection of the people who made up the early Bible Student movement (and that influence and legacy is still manifest today).
The Bible Students had several members who were alternative medical practitioners. If you trace the history of alternative medical practitioners and their legal struggle for the right to practice, you will find that the WTS' legal battles for "religious freedom" dove tail with the chiros and osteopaths fight for "medical freedom". The WTS' medical propaganda was solidly anti-AMA.
An example of how an early Bible $tudent$ influenced the WTS writings is Dr. S.N. Wiley. He was a medical doctor who had lost a patient after a reaction to the diphtheria anti-toxin. Needless to say, the WTS became one of the leaders in the anti-vaccine movement.
And, those wacky quack medical notions were usually attached to some kind of device or instrument that a Bible Student/JW wanted to sell - we must not forget the Judge's radioactive belt, the Abrams electronic box that was used at Bethel, Wm Hudgings 'asshole flusher'....etc.
The WTS' promotion of quack medicine and quack science is simply a reflection of those who have used the 'society' as a vehicle to promote ideas that wouldn't get accepted in mainstream circles.