Lastman: There is lots new
But..but...did they release the master ledger of the org's entire financial records?
Do we have that available to us? Do we have a way of checking the validity of their claims?
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
Lastman: There is lots new
But..but...did they release the master ledger of the org's entire financial records?
Do we have that available to us? Do we have a way of checking the validity of their claims?
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
I don't think it is a ploy to extract more donations.
It is a ploy to appear like they are broke to avoid paying redress. They don't want to be held accountable for child abuse victims (or for all the deaths and suffering that their blood doctrine has and is causing)
I agree with DesirousOfChange
Dog and pony show
Smoke and mirrors
Their lips are moving
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 1 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 2 of 5]
leaked: whq accounts: 2016-2020 budget [part 3 of 5]
Fay: We're getting some serious financial meeting leaks - people on the inside want this info leaked
Yeah...just think about that for a minute
Lastman: Watching these idiots with their choreographed, poorly acted BS, reading from scripts while at the same time trying to sound genuine is ridiculous.
You can see the puppet strings. But when you watch the GB, they look equally puppet. The only question in my mind, “Who is the puppeteer?”
Totally. Moving lips, lying lips
leaked: whq treasuers office meeting 2018 [part 1 of 6]
in this leaked 6-part video meeting, mark sanderson leads an insightful look into how the treasurers office and accounts staff operate.
cmc = cash management center - of which there are 3. the cost-saving game is afoot!these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
SailAway: I can't even tolerate the cadence of their speech
Me neither. And I can't stand watching their lips move.
Fortuitous that all these financial leaks are happening bemoaning the impeding financial ruin of the org, isn't it? Right on the heels of the org not standing up to the plate in Australia. Oh, woe is the org - what a downfall, indeed. From being one of the top 10 corporations in NY a few years back to...oh me oh my, selling property and all and now this.
Their lips are moving
leaked: whq treasuers office meeting 2018 [part 1 of 6]
in this leaked 6-part video meeting, mark sanderson leads an insightful look into how the treasurers office and accounts staff operate.
cmc = cash management center - of which there are 3. the cost-saving game is afoot!these clips are unedited, so feel free to add comments..
I tried. I really did. But I just can't handle stupid some days.
I didn't make it past the tiger in India killing a person and Sanderson claiming that the tiger gets hunted and killed because of an obscure bibble principle about "accounting". Sheesh, Sanderson - the tiger gets killed so it doesn't go and kill anyone else, not because of the tiger being held accountable for taking a life.
Today is not the day for watching stupid. Sorry....I can't make it past the tiger.
there are businesses that are now discriminating in their hiring practices based on the fact that you are a jw.. sure, you think i'm mad.
but it's true.. the business circles have become acutely aware of the -not even 1 year old- decision in the industrial court where a jw ratted out a fellow jw and brought disrepute to the bank where they both worked.
I think that the title of this thread is misleading and inaccurate.
Religion is not being discriminated against - what is being targeted and stopped is people who break confidentiality laws, regardless of their religion (or because of their religion).
Refusing to hire someone because their religion lacks a respect for confidentiality laws is not discrimination, it is respect for what is legal.
i have read countless times in this site and others that there is speculation that someone high up in the watchtower world required an organ transplant, and then because of that, their position that they had held since 1967 changed in 1980.i believe i have found a clue to who that person might have been.
i leave it to the exjw community to investigate further, but it's tantalizing!it is waay too much of a coincidence that:lee cordaway got a phone call in january 1980 that his kidneys were failing.
lee was 18 years old at the time.watchtower printed its "organ transplants are allowed now" article in march 1980.. january 1981: lee goes into the organ donor list for new kidneys.august 1981: lee receives his new kidney.september 1981: lee's new kidney is rejected, he has to have it removed.
Thanks, TD. Good background info.
I just hate, hate, this wording that the WT uses:
"...and so we leave it up to the conscience of the individual ..."
What that really means is that the ordinary JW, who is striving so hard to be a "true believer". and desperately wants the paradise promise instead of the horrible Armageddon curse, will follow "the divine law" to the letter.
That is what my memories are like growing up in the dreaded bloody 60s - no blood of any kind, even if it was just a suspicion of a tiny drop. Mom was so careful making eggs - she would painstakingly remove any hint of blood from the raw eggs and would discard any that had obvious blood spots. Wieners and bologna was strictly forbidden - unless it was a specific Kosher brand (expensive, so we didn't buy them often) - because of the threat of blood that might have been included in the processing. I hated school picnics because all the other kids had a wiener roast. I had to take cheese sandwiches.
Oh, I could go on and on about how that awful blood brochure that was put out in 1961 affected my life. In so so many ways.
i have read countless times in this site and others that there is speculation that someone high up in the watchtower world required an organ transplant, and then because of that, their position that they had held since 1967 changed in 1980.i believe i have found a clue to who that person might have been.
i leave it to the exjw community to investigate further, but it's tantalizing!it is waay too much of a coincidence that:lee cordaway got a phone call in january 1980 that his kidneys were failing.
lee was 18 years old at the time.watchtower printed its "organ transplants are allowed now" article in march 1980.. january 1981: lee goes into the organ donor list for new kidneys.august 1981: lee receives his new kidney.september 1981: lee's new kidney is rejected, he has to have it removed.
TD: Childhood immunizations for measles, diphtheria and polio (IPV) all contained albumin and these had become mandatory to attend school.
Not in Canada.
I was born a few years before the 1961 hammer came down and my parents faithfully followed the Blood Law book - I wasn't vaccinated.
i have read countless times in this site and others that there is speculation that someone high up in the watchtower world required an organ transplant, and then because of that, their position that they had held since 1967 changed in 1980.i believe i have found a clue to who that person might have been.
i leave it to the exjw community to investigate further, but it's tantalizing!it is waay too much of a coincidence that:lee cordaway got a phone call in january 1980 that his kidneys were failing.
lee was 18 years old at the time.watchtower printed its "organ transplants are allowed now" article in march 1980.. january 1981: lee goes into the organ donor list for new kidneys.august 1981: lee receives his new kidney.september 1981: lee's new kidney is rejected, he has to have it removed.
The WT flipflopped on the use of blood components in 1961 when they published the pamphlet "Blood, Medicine and the Law of God". (Incidentally, 1961 was right about the time that Denton Cooley started doing cardiac surgery on JW patients using a heart and lung machine - a cell saver)
From the 1961 blood law book:
In view of the constant developments in the field of medical research, new treatments involving the use of blood and its component parts are constantly coming to the fore. But regardless of the method used to infuse it into the body and regardless of whether it is whole blood or a blood substance that is involved, God's law remains the same. If it is - blood and it is being used to nourish or to sustain life the divine law clearly applies.
Although Jehovah's witnesses will not eat blood as a food, nor in medical use consent to any kind of blood transfusion or, in place of it, an infusion of any blood fraction or blood substance, this does not rule out all medical treatment.
I think it was also in 1961 that taking a blood transfusion became a disfellowshipping offense (???).
1961 was a defining year in the blood phobia doctrine. The WT tightened up their rules on blood. Previously "allowed" fractions and serums became taboo.
i have read countless times in this site and others that there is speculation that someone high up in the watchtower world required an organ transplant, and then because of that, their position that they had held since 1967 changed in 1980.i believe i have found a clue to who that person might have been.
i leave it to the exjw community to investigate further, but it's tantalizing!it is waay too much of a coincidence that:lee cordaway got a phone call in january 1980 that his kidneys were failing.
lee was 18 years old at the time.watchtower printed its "organ transplants are allowed now" article in march 1980.. january 1981: lee goes into the organ donor list for new kidneys.august 1981: lee receives his new kidney.september 1981: lee's new kidney is rejected, he has to have it removed.
ILoveTTATT: Well, the report says that most of the witnesses rejected ALG... globulin... because they considered it to be a blood product. So either it was banned outright or we had some really stupid JW's who rejected stuff that was already allowed...
Fractions were "allowed" in WT literature as early as 1978. (the study we have been discussing started in 1979)
Watchtower June 15, 1978, Questions from readers:
What, however, about accepting serum injections to fight against disease, such as are employed for diphtheria, tetanus, viral hepatitis, rabies, hemophilia and Rh incompatibility? This seems to fall into a ‘gray area.’ Some Christians believe that accepting a small amount of a blood derivative for such a purpose would not be a manifestation of disrespect for God’s law; their conscience would permit such. (Compare Luke 6:1-5.) Others, though, feel conscientiously obliged to refuse serums because these contain blood, though only a tiny amount. Hence, we have taken the position that this question must be resolved by each individual on a personal basis. We urge each one to strive to have a clear conscience and to be responsive to God’s guidance found in His Word.—Ps. 119:105.
In 1981, Gene Smalley and the WT doctor, Dr. Dixon, published an article that was presented to the medical community (and has been quoted ad nauseum ever since...) that also claimed that acceptance of blood "fractions" was a personal decision:
...Witnesses' religious understanding does not absolutely prohibit the use of components such as albumin, immune globulins, and hemophiliac preparations; each Witness must decide individually if he can accept these.
When did they start allowing cell salvage???
When Haemonetics developed the first salvage machine in the mid-70s. Of course, the org claimed that it was only okay if "the blood wasn't stored". How this is even possible is beyond me - storage is always involved - the patient's blood isn't returned to their body right away - of course there is a storage period. It can't be avoided. However, Smalley/Dixon said this to the medical community in 1981:
Techniques for intraoperative collection or hemodilution that involve blood storage are objectionable to them. However, many Witnesses permit the use of dialysis and heart-lung equipment (non-blood-prime) as well as intraoperative salvage where the extracorporeal circulation is uninterrupted; the physician should consult with the individual patient as to what his conscience dictates.