JoinedPosts by Billyblobber
9 dead in ‘hate crime’ shooting at historic African American church in Charleston
by pronomono in
this is such a shame.
i've always thought about things like this happening because of how crazy some people are, especially in regards to religion.
When will community leaders speak out against this type of violence so that things like this stop happening? -
Do or did the JW's believe dinosaurs were vegetarians?
by Crazyguy ini thought at one time or maybe they still do believe that the dinosaurs were vegetarians?
It's one of those things they conveniently ignore talking about, which they have to, because it's completely laughable to think that, scientifically, which completely kills the whole "the world is perfect, lamb will lie with the lion, original sin messed it up, spiders will apparently use webs to catch stray leaves" narrative they have going on.
It's funny trapping witnesses with that, who still believe it.
Hey, (insert animal here with something obviously and undeniably made for killing) existed back with the dinosaurs right? How was it a vegetarian? -
Why don't people in the US, UK or Euro-Citizens know anything about Jehovah's Witness Pedophile Issues and lawsuits?
by MagicMItchJensen ini know you all are aware of how little knowledge people have about jehovah's witnesses and topics men like bob bowen and women like barbara anderson tried to raise the level of public awareness that "the jehovah witness coming to your door might be a pedophile or child molester!
" what's gone wrong, has the society outsmarted the media or do people not really care what happens to young children?
if you took a survey trying to ascertain how many people walking through the grocery store, a target or upper class stores nordstroms, your going to be shocked how little people know.. if it's about the catholic church, those numbers shot through the ceiling, is this because there is no problem in the new world watchtower order or their better at damage control?
JWs are more like Protestant religions than Catholicism when it comes to that, in peoples' minds. People think of JWs as having offshoot congregations, so if abuse happens there, it's similar to abuse happening at a Baptist church - it doesn't reflect on the religion as much as that individual. Catholicism is thought of as more centralized with a direct leadership that controls the entire religion, so it reflects on the entire religion.
The Society is good at playing off of that, as they basically wash their hands of anything done in a congregation so it doesn't reflect on the whole.
All Christians Should Accept EVOLUTION
by FusionTheism init is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
The Golden Rule existed long before Jesus, all across the world. And it's not what everyone follows, anyway.
Secular humanism is a better moral philosophy than those two scriptures.
See above.
There were relatively fewer atheists at that point and time, and it's irrelevant, anyway, since more Christians practiced slavery than atheists as well. -
All Christians Should Accept EVOLUTION
by FusionTheism init is time for christians to accept evolution, in my opinion.. there are many reasons why i think it is long overdue for all christians to finally accept what science says about evolution.
below i will show these reasons.. .
the bible tells people to pay attention to nature to see the glory of god (psalm 19; romans 1:19-20).
The Flood is worse when it comes to evolution than Adam and Eve, really, since it's much closer in history, and involves some sort of hyper evolution that goes against everything we know about evolution as well as half of the known sciences on top of that. And Jesus quoted it as having happened. -
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
How would you describe Baltimore and what would be your solution to the challenges they are facing right now? How else do you maintain law and order and provide some basic sense of civilization for a community other than by being tough on the people who terrorize it, don't want to be reasoned with and only respect power?
I linked to an article by David Simon, who was a police reporter in Baltimore, and other sourced accounts in the Baltimore thread. -That- is the description of how Baltimore is, and also why it's a cyclical system that just doesn't work. A mix of forced poverty en-large, a useless drug war, corruption in politics, a police force that allows constant assault, and a suffering inner city populace because of these things. -
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
I also think it's more racist and unfair to allow this crime to go unchecked and, apologies to the namby pamby folk, but when you're dealing with violent, repeat offenders and people who spit on you etc... then you should get a punch in the face now and again because people are people and the number who can keep their cool when being provoked like that day in day out is close to zero so get real, the claims of "they should be more professional" are hollow and unrealistic to me. How about people be civil in return? How about YOU try to do the job for a week. It's a testament to the professionalism and patience that so few people are shot!
So you're saying that police -should- assault suspected drug dealers and loiterers as part of the process then? IMO, that's seriously messed up. Especially considering the history. The government creates the problem and then they solve it by beating it into submission. Awesome.
If that's where people come from, the kind of opinions stated in these types of threads become a lot more clear. -
Top Cult Expert Steven Hassan makes statement about Jehovah's Witnesses
by Watchtower-Free inthought this had to be made.
Source for quote? -
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
While your anecdotes are apreciated; the issue with police anecdotes are that precincts and districts vary so ridiculously widely across the country that the only dualities between them may be the most core facets of the job.Police in Baltimore were literally trained to beat up kids standing on the corner idling, or beat up suspects in the back of the cars that got "too lippy" with them, because they were trained that their Districts were basically war zones, where the only way to keep those people in check were with threats of more violence. Police on Coronado Island, San Diego basically hand out a few traffic tickets or handle a domestic dispute from time to time. In a mixed area like I grew up in (where city lines shift poverty lines greatly), you see almost the entire range of officer. What an officer in Bloomfield Hills has to deal with is hugely different than one in Warren, which is just 15 miles away.
What is being asked for IS for more of the "bad" police, or bad policies, like were enacted in Baltimore, to be filtered out. A person's personal safety should never be left to the whim of if someone in authority was having a "bad day" that day or not if possible, and there should never be "beat them up when no-one is looking" policies in place for ANY departments. And do away with that whole "code of silence" thing where officers stick up for and cover for each other no matter what as well. That's the kind of stuff that people are trying to change, and those things CAN be changed from an institutional level.
You can't make poor desperate people not do bad things as a whole, because that's human nature, but you CAN try to fix things on an insitutional level so that there aren't so many poor, desperate people. Similarly, some power hungry jerks will always try to gravitate towards positions of authority, such as police, but you can attempt to make it harder for those types of people to run around unchecked once they're there. That's what the main focus really is.
McKinney Texas pool party?
by Marvin Shilmer inso today i was asked my thoughts on the pool party incident in mcminney, texas.
my response: it shows a clash of expectations.
i saw police officers who expected citizens to listen to and follow instructions.
This whole narrative being endlessly promoted of "all cops bad, all blacks good" is ridiculous.
That's a large bit of hyperbole. The original narrative is specifically a dual one; that there is an institutional problem with how police treat minorities as compared to others in the U.S., and has been for over a century, and, also how police treat citizens in general.
Certain extreme right personalities know this narrative is one that is relatively easy for ANYONE to support (except for the people who worship authority, no matter what), so they re-spin it to create a strawman to shift the argument to a strict "us vs. them" thing that is easier to use to polarize their followers. They shift things like "black lives matter," which is a statement that black lives are not less valuable than others people, into a statement that ONLY black lives matter, and then report it as such to provide an easy strawman argument to argue against. Biased listeners don't even recognize those tpes of strawmen and argumentative tactics, and they repeat the filtered argument as the ACTUAL argument, and bam, the narrative shifts more towards what you are intending.
This is probably less evident for people that don't live in the U.S., as they are typically getting the post-filtered reports as opposed to the original 24-hour news cycled reports blasted in their face constantly BEFORE the personalities get a hold on them and put even more of a spin on them; which would probably explain why people keep getting confused as to your opinions on what's happening here as opposed to the reality of what is happening.
Even in this thread (not to mention the other, related ones), we have people speaking of things filtered through the most extreme right wing personalities, who raise things to a level of fearmongering. To realize how ridiculous some of them are, the LEFT in America would be far, far right in most of Europe.
That's also why the "the truth is in the middle" stance is not really a default when it comes to these cases, no matter how reasonable a stance that can be at other times - normally, the point being argued has already been taken AWAY from the "middle" because it has been filtered through one or the other partisan sides to an extreme that only has a yes or no answer to it.