JoinedPosts by Billyblobber
Sheep who mate in front of stripey trees will produce stripey offspring
by purrpurr ingenesis 30:37 leaving aside the whole "joseph cheats laham out of his flock" issue.
one passage of scripture that i've missed until now is 30:37 where it says how joseph got all the sheep to be stripey etc ( btw have you ever seen a stripey sheep?
cos i certainly haven't!).
A later verse says God did it. It's still ultra stupid, and makes Jacob look like a moron. -
Photosynthesis and the problem with the creation story
by purrpurr ini just noticed in the bible that on day three, god created the plants and trees on the earth.... day four, god created the sun, moon and stars!
so that means that the vegetation that is by its very nature dependant upon light to grow and photosynthesise was created a day before the sun that it needs to live!???.
this gets even more strange when you factor in the jw exhuse that a day to god is like a thousand years.
To be more specific, they say that the creation story is given from an earthly perspective, and is given as someone on the planet seeing it being made around them. Therefore, when it agrees with science, it's because it was inspired, where it doesn't; because "different perspective." -
Getting ready to visit the San Diego area......Any suggestions?
by drewcoul inmy son is getting ready to move to hawaii.
we are driving from indianapolis to san diego next week so that they can ship his car from the west coast and save about a thousand dollars versus shipping it from here.
i am only going to be there for a few days, thursday through sunday and would like some suggestions of what to do while i'm there.
Whale watching. Also, spend time on Coronado and its beach; it's wonderful. -
Kim Davis Kentucky clerk
by James Mixon inspeaking for the moral majority, really.
married 4 times and several kids.
out of wedlock.
She didn't really turn around according to the Bible she claims to follow. If she's currently having sex with her husband, then she's living in sin because she's living in adultery, and is therefore doing something no different than what she's supposedly fighting against. -
SUPERMAN'S GLASSES, the perfect disguise for people who think like comic book characters: Jehovah's Witnesses
by Terry inwhat will happen when 8 million jw's look on the witness stand before the royal commission this friday?
will they see superman.
or only clark kent?___________in the comic books, when superman shows up, readers of the comic already know clark kent has made an excuse to disappear.
Superman's glasses work because nobody expects a godlike powered alien who shows his face at all times to have a "human" disguise. By acting different as Clark, ruffling his hair, and changing his posture, people just think of him as some dorky guy that kind of resembles Superman. And, anyway, the world knows he's Clark now in the comics.
Just as an aside.
TV.JW.ORG (September 2015): Serving Single - Do not use JW dating sites!
by Designer Stubble inaround the 39:00 minute mark the focus shifts to a single sister who cannot find a mate.
at the 42:30 minute mark she states "i cannot believe it crossed my look on jw dating sites".
guess a new unwritten rule is added to the many oral traditions of these pharisees.
So wait. They lowered the spread of congregations in District conventions, so you only basically meet people in your circuit, and they are bleeding young(er) people at a fantastic rate. How the heck do they expect anyone to meet anyone else? -
If she doesn't comply an orange jumpsuit is in her future
by DJS inscotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
Here's the relevant link:
And live feed of the protesters outside of the court: -
If she doesn't comply an orange jumpsuit is in her future
by DJS inscotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
She was divorced three times, and remarried. She issues licenses to divorced people that remarried (and when questioned, said, "it is their conscience." Even if there were a religious exemption, which there is definitely not, she is breaking her own logic in doing this, and it wouldn't stand. She has absolutely no leg to stand on. Even a lot of the extreme religious right is turning on her (basically saying that her history makes her a terrible martyr and defeats the purpose). -
Debating evolution, intelligent design and cosmology with a JW
by Thestumbler83 inive been having an email exchange with a jw family member and the discussion seem to have become a bit heated and im not quite sure why.
i dont think ive said anything obviously offensive and ive been very careful with my wording.
but i think im sometimes a bit tone deaf with these things.
What it took a long time to come to grips with is that the vast minority of people don't trend toward logical thinking and nuance, but trend towards emotional thinking and easy answers. Even when people supposedly are "logical" in one area (ie. evolution), you can often see them abandon that in other areas that they personally hold close (things like social issues or relationship issues).
The only thing you can do is avoid directly "attacking" their beliefs, because people like that view beliefs as an extension of themselves and feel like you are attacking them, personally, but, instead, ask brief questions that might hopefully start a crack and create a chink in their armor.
For one personal example, my dad was a "weak" JW and questioned everything for quite some time. Then his mother died, and he went on full board and became completely illogical about everything he questioned before. After the point of his mother dying, questioning his faith meant questioning him ever seeing his mother again, and so any logic, etc. was immediately shut down.
U.S. JWs: 36% White, 27% Black, 6% Asian, 32% Latino (PEW)
by Gayle in
seventh-day adventists and muslims about the same.
I'm not really even sure that "black" would be growing. I'll use Detroit as an example.
Detroit was one of the main cities in which racial practices created a large black inner city low income population. Essentially, the businesses left the city to the suburbs, black people weren't allowed to move to the suburbs to follow them, and instead were forced to rent in the city or buy shrinking property value properties in the city. Due to a mix of outside and inside issues, including the decline of the auto market, the city gradually shrank over time and became more poor, while the suburbs flourished.
In the 70s, there was huge growth in Detroit among black Witnesses to coincide with this. Incomes were dropping, things were getting worse, and a message of a "paradise earth" were appealing to them. It peaked in the 80s. However, the suburban restrictions began lifting in the 80s, and city congregations started shrinking in the late 80s as black Witnesses with income were finally able to move to the suburbs, and the city itself further shrank.
Fast forward to now. Detroit bombed out completely right around the housing/auto crisis, and is now experiencing minor growth and a bit of a cultural upsurge. As businesses move back, people are moving back downtown (mostly white), while the outer edge neighborhoods that started suffering in the 60s on, and that were probably most hurt by the economic downturn are emptying even more. That means Detroit congregations are shrinking at an astronomical rate, as they are losing members from the neighborhoods, no one young is joining, and none of the new young influx of upper/middle class people are joining.
From what I hear, other majorly black cities that followed similar patterns are suffering basically the same fate. And I don't see where the growth would be coming from in Atlanta. Therefore, I cant' figure out where they would be "gaining black people" from; unless there have been smaller community pushes somewhere.