Just over three years ago I would not have believed that we (husband and self) would find ourselves in this place.
Like others here, I find the company and talk of some JWs torturous.
For us, It's the clear discernment of the lack of genuiness. The fake and Cult- like language. I never once believed with any shade of pleasure that the 'worldlies' were going to be destroyed - instead I believed that somehow they would all turn to God - and our 'seed planting' was crucial.
I hate that cult members cannot see themselves as the 'world' views them.
I'd challenge any to stop and ask a random dozen or so people in the street to explain Jehovahs kingdom and its purpose ...... Who would know? so much for 'warning' people.
I pointed out to a JW friend that at the helm of the FDS, people had been delivered false prophecy and manipulative literature which employed misquoting to support 'truths'
And we wonder why genuine people don't put their trust in the JW religion?
I want the company of genuine people who care.
Recent experiences have taught us that the inmates of JW are all about self protection.
We are starting to grow again - as a couple. As people. It's been harder than hard :-)
But, we believe it's going to be worth it.