JoinedPosts by Alive!
by Frenchy inim starting a new thread because its time i left the bergman discussion.
i would like to address some comments made by ahhah, however, comments which have given me reason to look deep into myself.. even then, i wonder how objective a person could ever be after having had part of their life taken from them by a cult association.
on the other hand, who else (other than an ex-jw) would ever care enough to work as tirelessly as he seems to have in attempting to document the potential harm of this religion (biased as it may be).
What a wonderful thread. Thank you for bumping it up. -
Silent And Sweet Rebellion Going On Within JW Organization!
by lsw1961 inafter 1975, the vast majority remained as though nothing has happened.
but some left the organization.
however, there arose a third category who did not leave the organization, but brought a new view into their heart: jws are right in their core cause (gods kingdom as the solution to mankinds problems) but may or may not be right in their supplementary teachings, hence are not bothered about changes happening in this unimportant area..
Funnily, just this weekend - hubby and I were talking about the adverse influence of the controlling aspect of the GB/FDS on our consciences.
The organisation/The FDS teach us that they are God's mouthpiece.
We are taught that obedience is non- negotiable unless we would care to be compared to Koran or whatever.
Yet, all the time, our consciences are getting weakened and undermined by the implementation of strict and often unbiblical directives from these men.
When we turn up, go out on service, attend meetings - we get counted in.
We give the message to others that it's OK to be manipulated by leaders who don't seem to know what they are about.
Instead of engaging the worldwide brotherhood in gentle discussion - they send out harsh and sometimes whacky 'new light' to be read, repeated and amened by an often bewildered population of believers.
Some of us can't sipport that, even in a non cooperative way.
Silent And Sweet Rebellion Going On Within JW Organization!
by lsw1961 inafter 1975, the vast majority remained as though nothing has happened.
but some left the organization.
however, there arose a third category who did not leave the organization, but brought a new view into their heart: jws are right in their core cause (gods kingdom as the solution to mankinds problems) but may or may not be right in their supplementary teachings, hence are not bothered about changes happening in this unimportant area..
I wrote a different post - but have deleted.
Regarding your last post ISW1961 - I hope you are OK and managing all this.....
Not easy.
What Is She Thinking?
by thankyou ini'm a non-jw guy.. joined this forum 2 weeks ago to learn about jw.
i enjoy the valuable intelligence, humor, and "community" it provides.. question:.
it appears that a non-jw guy is "off limits" to a jw girl-gal.
Just to chime in...the key to witness 'thinking' is that if one doesn't do things 'Jehovah's' way, only bad can come out of it.
Your belief in God, your love for God is considered non- valid under current JW doctrine. Instead you are one of 'Satans' according to JW theology.
That doesn't mean that they don't desperately want to save you - they do! But you will be kept at arms length.....from the JW gals perspective, she will be under huge internal mental pressure, whilst being haunted by fears of Satans believing Satan is using you to pull her away from 'God's organisation'.
It can mentally break the more sensitive and naturally compassionate folk who are indoctrinated and caught by this fearful way of living.
Take care.
Silent And Sweet Rebellion Going On Within JW Organization!
by lsw1961 inafter 1975, the vast majority remained as though nothing has happened.
but some left the organization.
however, there arose a third category who did not leave the organization, but brought a new view into their heart: jws are right in their core cause (gods kingdom as the solution to mankinds problems) but may or may not be right in their supplementary teachings, hence are not bothered about changes happening in this unimportant area..
'The kingdom message'
Sadly the 'kingdom message' is not the over riding hallmark of in the 'world'
How about conducting a small experiment.
Go out on service and stop as many people as you can, knock on doors or stand by a cart - and FIRST ask them if they can tell you what JWs believe.
Do this systematically over the coming year - I'd be interested to know how many would say 'that Jesus is invisibly present and is about to usher in the kingdom of God, which is a real government' -
I'd suggest it would be the 'supplementary' stuff that will come to their minds first....JWs don't celebrate birthdays, Christmases etc - don't give or take blood and so on. .... And they believe in Jesus?
The Appeal and Draw of the Watchtower
by Saved_JW inwhen i first left the watchtower organization in 2008, a flood of emotions came back to me.
betrayal, anger, resentment, deep depression from the relationships lost.
emotions seemed to guide my viewpoint of others as well.
Draw cards.....
Back in the late 80s, unraveling bible prophecy was fascinating.
The hope that mankind would have the joy of really living in freedom, in a physical universe of delight with a close relationship with the Father and Creator, possible interaction with spiritual beings (Angels) and no fear, but joy - that was a life sustaining hope.
The social interaction with an unlimited number of lovely people grew to be incredibly comforting.
I was, for many years, very happy.
But, when I saw that in the urgent 'the time of the end' - the message I had delivered through books and magazines was unclear, that there was dishonesty in the pages - really.
It was the start of my first real mental breakdown.
It was a receiver of our books that pointed out the misleading quotes after some research. I was gutted. From there, I discovered the truth about Beth Sarim and the news coverage of Rutherfords proclamation that the old prophets were to rise in 1925 or whatever and live in the states.
I wondered what kind of people would be attracted to the crazy teachings of this man at that time? Why didn't people walk away on mass?
And really, would a true God sanction such public rantings at a time when crystal clear 'truth' should be a guiding light to real 'truth -seekers'? The ancient worthies scandal was a truly unsettling discovery - and I was not prepared to diminish my inner hope that God is greater then that. It was just man- made spiritual junk this Rutherford had publicised. Which in turn afforded him a very nice, palatial residence.
There was much about the worldwide association that was really attractive, I loved bible teaching, and I always nurtured the hope that everyone, I mean everyone would turn around and live in a peaceful universe where all things are made 'new', only the truly evil ( whatever that is) would have to be left out.
I didn't relish death or destruction. I hated how some of the brothers and sisters mocked 'worldly' people. I remember driving past a terrace of outdoor restaurants with a pioneer sister who has a heart of gold - she laughed 'look at them' as we passed the diners 'scoffers in the last days' - and I thought, that's a horrible attitude. I looked at her and thought, You have know idea what human troubles each of those people might be struggling with.
Over the years, I found a profound lack of respect amongst witnesses for those who are not JWs.
The attractive 'love' soon shows itself for something else. And I think man-made pride drives the culture.
Question for believers, heaven or earth?
by Tornintwo injust trying to figure out what i believe in the wake of leaving the borg.
jesus message appeals, of course.
i just wanted to ask believers, christians, on this forum if you think the hope is heaven or earth.
By the way, the WT has lied and thus twisted our perception of what the Christians of 'Christendom' believe.
If God plans to destroy all those who are in the churches of Christendom - which let's face it, is a fundamental JW belief and teaching - well, how wicked does that make God? Rather, a wicked heart would contrive such an interpretation of scripture.
How dare JWs condemn those who follow so called false teachers yet follow false teachers themselves?
Question for believers, heaven or earth?
by Tornintwo injust trying to figure out what i believe in the wake of leaving the borg.
jesus message appeals, of course.
i just wanted to ask believers, christians, on this forum if you think the hope is heaven or earth.
I have been to a baptist church service where the physical resurrection was scripturally discussed.
I have read and listened to non JW Christian sermons regarding a recreated glorified physical body and reconciled creation.
One scholar referred to the 'drift towards decay' which is our lot in this dimension, and how the good news is the future glorified, indestructible resurrection and reconciliation of all creation. Can't remember his name! I'll look him up - He featured on a DVD about CS Lewis.
Like others, I can't deny this inner 'thing' in me that says there IS a purpose and we are on a journey......
You may want to ponder on the emphasis that the scriptures give to 'all being reconciled' - look up 'Universal Salvation' or 'Universal Reconciliation' if you are interested in exploring the thoughts of other Christians.
The point is - it's YOUR journey.
No longer are you obliged to change your understanding of scriptural verses at the whim of a the WT.
This is all yours. As it should be.
Did you know anyone who commited suicide in the org?
by JH inback in 1991, a young brother maybe 18 years old living next to my place committed suicide.
his father expected him to be very zealous just like he was, but the son never wanted to be like that.
he was always controlled by his father.
In my KH there have been three horrific suicides by hanging in just 20 years, a sister in our KH lost a brother ( an elder) to suicide and sadly, there have been others in our circuit.
In my KH we have lost at least 6 born in teenagers of pioneering born in families ( that I know of) to prostitution and death dealing drug abuse....
(((((((( hugs))))))))) to all those who lost their loved ones.
Interesting to read the posts in this thread - thank you for your replies.
It almost seems like perhaps born-ins consider the converts to be a bit stupid, to have been sucked in by it all. :-)
Looking back, I remember many more than one born-in JW telling me 'how encouraging' it was for them to have someone like me from the world 'take the truth' - I often was perplexed by this... LOL.
I envied them being brought up as witnesses - why did they say that? The answer was that I'd truly made the truth my own....
I suspect there has to be several factors at play in ones life, for a cult to be so attractive and irresistible.
I think what makes it worse, is the united face of the JWS, friendly, intense interest and warmth towards new 'studies' - no- one lets on that they are in it because they are trapped. Everyone 'seems' so happy - one big happy family at the KH, at conventions etc. I was baptised just 2 years when the reality of dysfunctional life amongst witnesses started to reveal itself.
I can't imagine how awful it would be to be raised as a witness, to have all your family as witnesses - and to realise you don't 'belong' - being forced to play along simply for self survival.
I loved/love those guys. But the corporate dishonesty of it all really hurts.
If you were a convert and you could go back to your initial 'studies' - what questions would you now ask?