Has anyone access to JW Talk?
I looked on their public news board and no mention..,..
Why? This is big news.
Is this on JW.org news? I can't see mention. Am I missing something?
will just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
will just post the general findings by counsel for the commission (angus stewart) - case specific ones are prior to them.
in short, absolutely damning.. not been through every submission myself yet.
available for download here: http://www.childabuseroyalcommission.gov.au/case-study/636f01a5-50db-4b59-a35e-a24ae07fb0ad/case-study-29,-july-2015,-sydney.aspx.
i think it was punkofnice who came up with the phrase, "apathy carts".
how apropos.. yesterday i encountered a car group of witnesses in my community as i was coming home from the gym.
actually, their van was blocking me from entering my driveway.
I have seen Carts in several cities - in each case, they stood alone - and on duty JWs stayed a way off - not alert to the situation at all. In deep conversation with their partners, or reading phones. Not engaged or being aware or ready.
It's like the Cart has become a stand alone beacon - job done. All they have to do is keep it safe!
i think that 80% of jws do not truly believe in what they are taught .
the vast majority stay in because of family, friends, ignorance and a lack of caring about any of the facts regarding the "truth".
many people are lazy.
As a convert, am thinking back over the phrases I'd hear for the first time from born in JWs - and here I can read them, trotted out from different parts of the globe.
I studied with smart and intelligent people, witty, well dressed, great conversationalists ( well, in a JW sense) - they quickly introduced us to many very attractive born-ins.
We were invited away for weekends, we had fun, our new friends were foodies, lovers of good wine - and we talked for hours about 'spiritual things'.
I can't tell you how extraordinary those early years were - and the occasional intuitive inner squirms were 'put on a shelf' for the sake of love, which covers a multitude of sins.
It took a couple of years to uncover the mess underneath - but, we put that down to 'imperfect men' - and fair enough.
After some years, I became acutely aware of how shallow life is in JW land - I'm not pointing a finger, as in I'm so good and they were so NOT - it actually was a time of self reckoning. And then, my mind would no longer let me overlook serious doctrinal flaws. The society's obsession with real estate, renovations (costly renovations, not just a clean up and basic maintenance) - much of it was pure vanity -really! it all was out of synch with the 'urgency' of our times.
Looking back, I see how unhealthy it was.
It can feel like the best place on earth - the org - the congregations - as long as you close your eyes to lies, overlook injustice and wear your best smile....pretend that the 'truth' doesn't have to act like the 'truth' and you'll not only survive, you'll thrive.
ever notice how most jws use the titles "brother" and "sister"?
in my experience, 99% of the time it was not a term of endearment.
it was actually a term of formality very much like "mister", "mrs.", "miss" or "ms.".
I loved the thought or feeling of us all being brothers and sisters, and I felt it in my heart....I just didn't like saying Brother so and so when addressing someone - only perhaps the very elderly...as I didn't want to offend them.
Its all so strange, looking back.
i think that 80% of jws do not truly believe in what they are taught .
the vast majority stay in because of family, friends, ignorance and a lack of caring about any of the facts regarding the "truth".
many people are lazy.
No - they go along with it all - and wait on Jehovah.
A close friend of mine would argue that the org is the closest thing to how Jehovah wants to be served - I can see her point as it was once mine.
But then when I realised that to 'protect' the 'truth' I was being taught to lie, deceive, use tricky arguments and be less than transparent - well my heart just about died having to face THAT 'truth'.
When I first converted, years ago - it kind of puzzled me, that people holding such a momentous truth spent so much time building businesses, homes, families etc ( ie Armageddon would start before the generation of 1914 passed away - meaning it would all be over by 2000 at the latest, surely?) I didn't want to 'judge' anyone - but the inconsistency of the apparent urgency of the message with the average behaviour of the JW was downright odd.
ever notice how most jws use the titles "brother" and "sister"?
in my experience, 99% of the time it was not a term of endearment.
it was actually a term of formality very much like "mister", "mrs.", "miss" or "ms.".
When I first started attending meetings, I found the use of brother so and so and sister so and so very much on the 'icky' spectrum. I never really liked it as a form of address, and avoided using it.
i guess being two months old and coming to the kh in his onesee was kind of offensive .
how rude of me.
i am thinking about returning to him.
i guess being two months old and coming to the kh in his onesee was kind of offensive .
how rude of me.
i am thinking about returning to him.
Giggling over the idea of getting the Elder a onesie.
Really though, probably they only meant kindness, just it was off the chart, and 'wrong'.
At the same time - there was an underlying 'thing' - and it's about their sense of 'ownership' - your baby boy is one of 'theirs' in their eyes. They want to dress him like 'one of theirs' - and to them, it's life saving love they are showing.
Don't forget that - :-)
So hard to find a balance here......
i guess being two months old and coming to the kh in his onesee was kind of offensive .
how rude of me.
i am thinking about returning to him.
To me - this says being in a suit is on the right path to being a Christian - let's start with babies.
Its kind of them - but I wonder if they realise how bizarre it is to put a baby in a pretend suit.... The male JW corporate uniform.
So cultish.