Strictly for JWS?
Well of course - millions and millions being invested for a privileged few.
Why all this in these 'urgent times?'
What's the point?
If they believe we are right on the final brink - why build a park like compound?
Why use all that volunteer time when they could be out, preaching?
I'm not being negative - yes, it's a fantastic project - but beautifying real estate is not what Christ was all about?
Have they EVER stopped to think how this constant building and selling, renovating what doesn't need renovating and the spending of millions in the 'public eye' simply waters down the urgency of their message?
That the 'the world' observes these busy Christians building luxury compounds unavailable to the poor and needy - and the public doesn't think 'wow, God is truly amongst these people'.
Sorry, I know it's easy to just criticise - but honestly, if only they could see what 'message' they are really spreading....