Simple minds,
I well remember facing trusted JW friends with hard questions, putting it to them that this could be an exercise in thinking through how we'd answer such questions from non witnesses, who sincerely expected fair and honest answers from those who claim to have 'the only true religion' and who are the only ones who speak on God's behalf.
They turned their backs. They didn't want to think or 'help' me by searching for a healing and honest answer.
I know how it feels to work through the shame of who I once thought we were, to what time has revealed us to be.
I didn't hear the 'voice of Jesus' in the ARC witness stand, giving the right words to 'the brothers' - I heard something quite different.
It's OK - take one hour, one day at a time.
Dont panic - which is what I did I guess - I went a bit beserk, said too much, lost ground accordingly.
Take your time, protect yourself. ((((Hugs))))