How true that a little bit of fun hurts no-one. Yes, the conservative and grey routine of the past has changed in a FLASH - as this video and many other insights have shown. Whooping, Mexican waves, dancing and shaking the old bootie, cheering, cat calling - these guys are having some fun.
So, when we were taught from publications that 'christendom' used music to falsely drive up people's emotions, that we as Jehovah's people showed reverence in our conduct, singing and music at the KH....pleasing our God, whilst all those other behaviours disrespected him.
Am I allowed to feel a little confused?
My heart felt good, I felt secure that we pleased Jehovah by not having worldly songs or behaviour in the KH - as one poster pointed out, even at weddings, only kingdom song music was allowed - nothing else.....right up to very, very recently.
My conscience is all over the place - what was wrong, is now right.....forgive me if I can't keep up.
Remember, our conduct and behaviour in our place of worship was meant to distinguish us from 'the rest'.