it must be tough with a spouse still firmly in - I know that if my husband had started to reveal that he didn't believe the JWS were 'the truth' when I was fully believing.....well, I would have freaked, badly I think.
this is a damn serious question.
you must know by now that jerusalem was not destroyed in 607 bce and that 607 was initially picked by ct russell by using his "pyramid scheme" measurements.
there is no hiding these facts yet you continue to preach this nonsense.
it must be tough with a spouse still firmly in - I know that if my husband had started to reveal that he didn't believe the JWS were 'the truth' when I was fully believing.....well, I would have freaked, badly I think.
i find these shocking.
A friend of mine sent me photos of Mexican waves from an international convention - she Is not the sort to give answers or do loads of personal study, if ever!
She said 'this has to be the best convention we've ever had!'
I asked 'so what spiritual encouragement stood out at this assembly?'
No reply.
i find these shocking.
How true that a little bit of fun hurts no-one. Yes, the conservative and grey routine of the past has changed in a FLASH - as this video and many other insights have shown. Whooping, Mexican waves, dancing and shaking the old bootie, cheering, cat calling - these guys are having some fun.
So, when we were taught from publications that 'christendom' used music to falsely drive up people's emotions, that we as Jehovah's people showed reverence in our conduct, singing and music at the KH....pleasing our God, whilst all those other behaviours disrespected him.
Am I allowed to feel a little confused?
My heart felt good, I felt secure that we pleased Jehovah by not having worldly songs or behaviour in the KH - as one poster pointed out, even at weddings, only kingdom song music was allowed - nothing else.....right up to very, very recently.
My conscience is all over the place - what was wrong, is now right.....forgive me if I can't keep up.
Remember, our conduct and behaviour in our place of worship was meant to distinguish us from 'the rest'.
i just heard the news david bowie has died ,so sad .
rip d,b, .
smiddy .
i belonged to this forum for about 5 years ; 14 years ago and made many good online friends here.. it became my new family for awhile and i am very grateful for all the help i received.. for the first time in 10 years i went into a kh for a funeral, bearing in mind it was at the hall where my husband had been the presiding overseer and regular pioneer for many many years.. they were very surprised that i remembered all their names and was confident and happy.. someone said so are you back in the truth, i said simply !
yes i have my truth, thanks.. the elder in question said " well time will tell ?
"and i said yes it has hasn't it, but we aren't in competition..
'but we aren't in competition'
Lovely. I love this :-)
so i was just reading a thread and came across a completely new jw 'rule', that of not being allowed to go fishing!..
at least it's new to me as i always enjoyed fishing as did others in my old congregation.
anyone else heard of this or had this imposed on them in they're jw lives?.
so i was just reading a thread and came across a completely new jw 'rule', that of not being allowed to go fishing!..
at least it's new to me as i always enjoyed fishing as did others in my old congregation.
anyone else heard of this or had this imposed on them in they're jw lives?.
Fisherman got it.
My perception was that sport (game) fishing was considered unchristian - but fishing for food was all good.
given recent posts on the forum and discussion, maybe we could play this game: would i lie to you?
in the uk we have this tv programme where minor celebrities tell weird or embarrassing stories about themselves and the rest of the participants have to guess if it is a true story or made up.
when the others have voted then the person reveals if the story is true or false.
One of my favourite progs!
Love Rob, Lee and David.
Did anyone ever see Rob do his Cliff Richard impersonation on the show - it was wicked.
The fabulous tales to date on this thread are hilarious - what to choose???
this is my first post here (not being comments) but i still have to tell my story but for that i need to get my mind together in other to give as much detail as possible to be able to share it.
will do in a future post.. anyway i had to share this.. so i went out on service this morning (i never do i always end up excusing myself because i hate field service) reason i did was to see what the new c.o had to say and he sure did say something.
he was saying what we had to present and he went over the watchtower magazine.
I always felt uncomfortable with the 'pitch' - especially when it was something like an 'Awake' article...like 'should I eat more vegetables?' And the format would be to read an 'interesting fact' quoted by a leading dietitian and then assure the householder that they'd find the article very educating and hand it over with a Watchtower tucked inside, which had an appealing article on anti-typical Jerusalem and 'the end' of Christendom or whatever.
And we'd congratulate the slave class on their 'hard hitting' message this month.
Shame. Such shame I feel now when I look back - I knew it had a bad 'yuck' factor but I squelched that feeling .....why????!
so went to the meeting last night.
i had not been to one since before the holiday break (3 weeks ago).
besides, it was our first meeting in the new format.
Well we have Mexican waves at international conventions now - right?
Not that I want to be a sour, nit picking killjoy - but not so long ago such spontaneous outbursts would have been critically aligned with bad spirituality led by emotions - according to the Watchtowef and followers.