Frankly, I suspect the WT leaders should be trembling given their history and disgusting words of 'judgement' on those who don't align with their dodgy 'teachings'.
Anyhoo - it's a journey, theirs, ours and everyone's.......
so... bro flodin puts poison onto the first loaf of bread and says that this pictures someone "sinning against the holy spirit".
he then puts the bread into the trash can stating that jehovah completely discards anyone "sinning against the holy spirit"... meaning they cannot ever be forgiven...he says that the pharisees "sinned against the holy spirit" because they denied indisputable evidence of the operation of jehovah's holy spirit displayed by jesus... therefore jehovah would completely discard them... no way back for them.. fast forward a little... we have the bible character stephen...acts 6:8 says: now stephen, full of divine favor and power, was performing great wonders and signs among the stephen was showing indisputable evidence of the operation of jehovah's holy we come to the bible character paul (saul)... he was a pharisee.paul would have seen stephen in action... witnessing the indisputable evidence of the operation of jehovah's holy spirit first hand!yet paul not only waged war against all christians but he personally approved the killing (stoning) of stephen.according to the bread illustration paul should have been discarded by jehovah at this point for "sinning against the holy spirit"... he would have been put in the trash can... no way back at all...but what happened according to the bible?
jesus appeared to him on the road to damascus... he became one of the most zealous apostles in bible history with jehovah's full support!so what on earth is the bread illustration all about?
yes friends it is too late for most of you to return to jehovah's org.
based on the new garlic bread parable in this month's broadcast with the illustration using loaves of bread.
it is obvious that the doors of the arc has been closed shut by jehovah's hand for some of us.. according to the new parable that can be found on jw tv.
Offensive presentation of the worse kind.
to myself it means to seek knowledge and understanding of are selves and the world in which we live.. unfortunately history has shown whenever one tries to connect to god and of his knowledge through men who say they themselves are connected to god through spiritual wifi ie.
gb members of the jehovah's witnesses for example, one usually ends up finding a accumulation of only man's acquired knowledge.
over thousands of years of trying to connect to a god(s) for help and answers, mankind has eventually relinquished himself to seeking answers through scientific investigative acquired knowledge of the world in which we live in.
Lol @bonsai.
Nice come back - 'I want to live forever!'
He He. Tres amusing.
to myself it means to seek knowledge and understanding of are selves and the world in which we live.. unfortunately history has shown whenever one tries to connect to god and of his knowledge through men who say they themselves are connected to god through spiritual wifi ie.
gb members of the jehovah's witnesses for example, one usually ends up finding a accumulation of only man's acquired knowledge.
over thousands of years of trying to connect to a god(s) for help and answers, mankind has eventually relinquished himself to seeking answers through scientific investigative acquired knowledge of the world in which we live in.
Bonsai - who told you that mortality sucks?
to myself it means to seek knowledge and understanding of are selves and the world in which we live.. unfortunately history has shown whenever one tries to connect to god and of his knowledge through men who say they themselves are connected to god through spiritual wifi ie.
gb members of the jehovah's witnesses for example, one usually ends up finding a accumulation of only man's acquired knowledge.
over thousands of years of trying to connect to a god(s) for help and answers, mankind has eventually relinquished himself to seeking answers through scientific investigative acquired knowledge of the world in which we live in.
I was agnostic for many, many years, before I really started delving into the question of what's it all about Alfie.
Something in me, really vibrates or resonates to the call towards 'God'.
Rather than think of the concept of 'God' as mere superstition leftover from primitive beliefs, I find myself asking, how did we come to conceive of such heights of beauty, nobleness and exquisite desire for something outside of ourselves and yet in ourselves.
Although we drift towards chaos and decay, through thousands of years we have the written legacies of beautiful minds and hearts yearning for something utterly glorious.
I remember when I first really thought about 'Paridise Lost' - a theme that is found throughout different cultures, times, religions and histories.
I'm not here to lay out my own search and current resting place on that one in order to preach, just to answer the OP - rather than view the whole picture as mere superstition, I see it as a 'clue' to a universal story....which is tied up with God.
A story of good versus evil, a messiah, saviour - and hope, a restored and glorified creation where time is finally experienced in its fullness.
And finally, if we really are made in God's image - complete annihilation or eternal torment for such a creature seems would be obscene, if Father God truly exists.
And that the life of a poor Jewish carpenter should have caused such an uproar on this planet for the past 2000 years ( in wonderful ways and terrible ways) harmonises with his original story and words...
For a species who have no business doing anything but reproducing, eating, surviving - mankind certainly has lived, thought and projected hopes in ways that beg questions.
how do we rate after leaving the watchtower?
are we very different people after we have walked out our last meeting at the kingdom hall?
or are we essentially a "mad-lib" version of what we claim we once were, that we have merely "filled in the blanks" with our latest set of convictions and still think we have the truth, are right and others wrong, and feel we must promote our new "truth"?.
I should print off these questions and keep them handy to me :-)
5. Do I remember that I, myself, once thought I had the inarguable truth as one of Jehovah's Witnesses? Do I still fall into this trap? Do I always remember that I don't have a good track record when it comes to being right because of this?
I had an Interesting conversation with a pioneer JW friend this week ( hadn't seen her for couple of years - she dropped by and I offered coffee etc)
She was talking about how Jehovah had taken care of her and I gave her a hug, as she certainly has not had it easy - I started talking about a close family member ( non JW) who has been through many trials but is absolutely 'nailing' those obstacles and thriving, she became a Christian a few years ago - and I related, in a warm way how this relative had recently said how appreciative she was for blessings in her life, how she felt that in all her struggles, God gave her spiritual strength to overcome and do what seemed impossible.
The pioneer sister said 'what a great opportunity - did you give her a witness?'
No. I didn't.
hey ya'll!
i have been lurking for years on this site and others but never had the courage to post anything.
actually i was afraid of posting on an apostate site in the event i was wrong.
Hi - I have t yet read through this entire thread - just a message here of support.
Given all your circumstances - what harm could come from meeting, keeping it very low key and just being friendly.
If they probe regarding your current thoughts on whether 'this is the truth' - I'd suggest something along the lines of 'being a little discouraged by a few things, but just wanting to quietly settle your heart' ....thanking them for their care and patience.
My observation ( which could be wrong) is that this is a global pattern, husbands or wives of ''in good standing' and respected spouses/families are not showing up anymore....I'd suggest there will be a growing trend to avoid the scandal of big blow ups in congregations.
Im thinking how lostwun has been left well alone, even though her current beliefs have been gossiped about and are known in her JW community.....
I'd suggest that unless you plan on being an active militant - just keep cool, say little and maintain a warm and pleasant, non threatening status.
If you feel strong enough, I'd let them visit - but take control by being very welcoming, very friendly ( and why not) hospitable and gentle -if you can gather up your ful stature as a thoughtful, kind and secure human being - then do it. Easier said than done when all sorts of pressures around you - I have no witness family, so it's different, apologies if my take doesn't fit your situation .....(((((( hugs )))))
'Edit' - just read the bit where if they threaten d/f you'll raise hell and sue - LOL! Great you don't feel intimidated :-)
just a few questions from a newbie.
answer one or as many as you want.
1. why cleaners?
The JW women of my age group were mainly cleaners, office clerks or non qualified care assistants.
My husband's non witness family are Christians, their professions and that of their Christian friends are high in number as doctors, nurses, teachers - I found the same when I attended a local baptist church.
Gggggrrrrrrr - Those wicked, wicked members of Christendom choosing life giving professions, working long hours to serve the community, including JWs, who basically believe these people are 'under Satan's rule'
Fine - in that case, JW cleaner/pioneer - do NOT avail yourself or your loved ones of their qualified services when you are sick, needing intense life saving, money costing care....what have you to do with Satan's world?
so said my pops one morning.
we were visiting my sister in eastern tennessee and the night before after everyone else went to bed pops was watching tv when all of a sudden and completely on it's own the tv changed to the tonight show, holy smokes!!
must be demons cause pops didn't change it!
That is a very funny story @OP !
It made me think - JWs reject any kind of modern day supernatural activity that may involve evoking Christ/God as in healings, miracles etc......
Yet they accept the activity of demons, every witness I knew would know better than to publically 'poo poo' a demon story, no matter how minor or major....having a demon visitation was taken seriously.
And No, I've never experienced anything like that :-)
i was raised as a witness and am very thankful that i am out.
having said that, i think my upbringing produced positive qualities in me.
do you believe that anything positive came from your being a witness?
I guess the many marriage break ups, children lost to lives of prostitution and drug addiction, plus life long abandonment of support by their 'parents' and the suicides ( four amongst four different families) all in our KH would make my personal list of "positives" seem somewhat superficial in the face of so much personal tragedy.....
Lack of love. That was the problem.