I was agnostic for many, many years, before I really started delving into the question of what's it all about Alfie.
Something in me, really vibrates or resonates to the call towards 'God'.
Rather than think of the concept of 'God' as mere superstition leftover from primitive beliefs, I find myself asking, how did we come to conceive of such heights of beauty, nobleness and exquisite desire for something outside of ourselves and yet in ourselves.
Although we drift towards chaos and decay, through thousands of years we have the written legacies of beautiful minds and hearts yearning for something utterly glorious.
I remember when I first really thought about 'Paridise Lost' - a theme that is found throughout different cultures, times, religions and histories.
I'm not here to lay out my own search and current resting place on that one in order to preach, just to answer the OP - rather than view the whole picture as mere superstition, I see it as a 'clue' to a universal story....which is tied up with God.
A story of good versus evil, a messiah, saviour - and hope, a restored and glorified creation where time is finally experienced in its fullness.
And finally, if we really are made in God's image - complete annihilation or eternal torment for such a creature seems would be obscene, if Father God truly exists.
And that the life of a poor Jewish carpenter should have caused such an uproar on this planet for the past 2000 years ( in wonderful ways and terrible ways) harmonises with his original story and words...
For a species who have no business doing anything but reproducing, eating, surviving - mankind certainly has lived, thought and projected hopes in ways that beg questions.