I'm sure it is 'nicer and easier' for some to pick and choose in the way you describe.
But hardly in keeping with a sense of loyalty to the leadership's directions, who are 'god's mouthpiece' - you know?
We were taught that self sacrifice and obedience strengthened our Christian character and faith ...... I am aware that on 'ground level' many in the congregations pay scant attention to the latest pronouncements of the FDS, choosing life styles and making choices that don't really sync with a faith that believes the end is truly nigh...I wonder how it will go when the forewarned instructions demanding obedience which such may seem 'unreasonable from a human standpoint' quote are delivered.
Do you think the split in the congregations between those who are faithfully obedient to the FDS and those who 'pick and choose' will become very apparent?
It truly seems to me, many seat warmers are made up of those who simply choose a highly social and connected network - whilst an internal desire for the truly spiritual and for TRUTH is somewhat diluted? What do you think DY?