Hi everyone.
i have been reading and reading - each and everyone of you has left treasures.
I'm a little overwhelmed in being able to respond to so many - every single post has resonated with me.
WingCommander - Im so sorry for your nightmare existence within the religion - I don't know you, but I think of the many who suffer the same neglect in many, many congregations. In every congregation we have stayed in - there have been the impoverished and neglected.... Unless they were pioneering they got ZERO help.
"You must have been wealthy or well-off, or benefited them somehow I imagine to be so well thought of to be invited to everything before?"
I guess you got that one right. I suppose from day one, we were somewhat coveted. Apparently normal and successful youngish people in "the world" - and yes, in a decent financial position after being in the right place at the right time for work opportunities....
As I reflect on this life with the religion, I suspect it tapped into my core weaknesses and needs on one level, my inner childish desire for approval was not too healthy - whilst the hope that our earth has a purpose made my heart soar.
i have a tendency to idealism. LOL.
I wanted to be my brother's keeper. I stretched out for that. But looking back, I'm ashamed. I should have been stronger.
I WANTED a spiritual society of like minded people - I WANTED everyone, no matter what race or background to be brothers and sisters - from the socially and economically neediest to the more privileged. I wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow humans.
Initially - the appearance was of unity, brotherhood. Very quickly we were part of the "cool crowd" - your summary of the social structure and hierarchy rings very true.
The first niggle and shock we got - and this was in the first couple of years of conversion - was the cynical view many elders had of the R and F.
The stories, secrets and scandals that were told at those Elder drinking parties.... We should have run. But the power of the greater concept was so great.
The power of the prophecies, the power of that magical equation for 1914.....the rejection of pagan holidays, the rejection of burning hell - it was intoxicating.
Until one day.........
Sorry, this is brief and scrappy compared to all the fantastic posts here - I'm just tapping, tapping and please may I tell you all - you are ALL making a difference.
I do feel better today.
As Millie said -" I know where to assign craziness now."
I'm not defective. I may be broken, but I'm OK.