@stuckinarut2 - in answer to your question - NO.
Am letting that sink in - you heard a similar talk in a different country.
It trickled down from the top. Shaking my head some more.
yes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
@stuckinarut2 - in answer to your question - NO.
Am letting that sink in - you heard a similar talk in a different country.
It trickled down from the top. Shaking my head some more.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
I just noticed that I spoke of witnesses as being "Us".
I'm no longer part of the organisation.
But, I feel a collective shame for being part of that which was "us".
Does anyone else feel the same?
yes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
Stuckintherut2 - You know, when I was full in, totally head over heals in love with everything with all things to do with JW and someone had told me this experience, I would grimly have to acknowledge that such madness from elders, DOs and COs or anyone within the organisation is common.
I clearly remember a certain CO who was visiting with his lovely wife.
(By the way, perhaps some of you remember when there was all the kuffufle about foreign language slips. It appeared that many naughty, bible-study, return call desperate witnesses were holding onto their calls, and not passing them on to the appropriate language groups -and many of these witness folk genuinely felt a sincere connection, their prayers were to help these people in our territory)
This CO - stood on his tippy toes and then rocked backwards and forward on his heels as he boomed ( for effect) "It is STEALING" - quoting Paul and the Macedonia incident from Acts.
As I looked around at the tired, anxious faces of those who I knew would be struck in their heart by this because of their WT trained conscience, whilst also knowing their dire personal circumstances - I thought.. " you bastard" and immediately experienced my own agony as I repented for thinking such a bad thought in a meeting overseen by Jehovah.
it's to their credit that many modern christians prefer the jesus of the gospels to the god of the old testament.. ot god is an embarrassment.
i am not going to list his multitude of moral crimes here but my personal favourite is his brilliant idea that a girl who is raped must marry her rapist.
it's not his biggest crime but it demonstrates a disregard for human feelings that is beyond the comprehension of every moral person.
Caleb - parts of this remind me of something I read recently by Rob Bell.
I was interested in his direction of thinking - ( that doesn't make me a fall-over follower by any, any means ) but it niggled some internal arguments/ discussions for me.
Just the concept of how we read scripture.
We can read an extraordinary piece written by a human writer (outside of the bible) and sense something greater than we can give words to. It can have a sense of the divine.
I'm starting to revisit scripture and see the depth of humanity within it - it is a lesson to us. That is where my feeble brain is heading anyway.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
Reading the article from March 15 1980.....I'm reminded of an unpleasant sensation I'd often get from the literature.
It's all about Us, the inside captured congregation.
All about how the loyal and committed Christian JW reacts, processes and manages information from the Slave.
The Slave says they are the Almighty God's mouthpiece.
So.....why are not millions, billions running to the organisation?
What will finally attract them? Do we have a "fine reputation" for having honest, humble communication with "unbelievers".... Or really, after decades of complete foolishness such as the above and through to today, ongoing issues with an illogical and conflicting blood doctrine, can we expect discerning, wise people to believe God is really speaking through our slave class? Is this IT?
Is this the best world can expect?
Jesus said that people would walk into the congregations and say that God is truly amongst/ with "us" people.
We ( JW) have no supernatural signs, no absolute precision prophetic interpretation.... For a young religion we have a painful history of truly weird, wonderful whacky beliefs.
I used to wonder why none of my dead grandparents, great grandparents would not have been "drawn to Jehovah" - surely they would have heard of witnesses in their day? .....well, perhaps they were not drawn to a religious entity that promised the resurrection of ancient worthies in 1925 to live in a purpose built mansion - perhaps that repelled them? The things that are old now and are discounted, would have been very fresh then.
born in cambridge, ma to a liberal couple that escaped the conservative south, my parents raised me better than to become a jehovahs witness.
funny thing was they got mixed up in it first.. while that is a story for another time, i myself had to go along as the third of five children in my family.
dads job transferred him to texas and my mom worked fulltime herself, but eventually we found ourselves drinking the kool-aid of ambiguity intolerance and full-fledge belief that the bible was literal fact and that salvation was found only by those who were smart enough to enter the confines of the watchtower.. its weird how many people claim they fear children raised by two gay parents will grow up to be gay.
Hi Caleb,
I'm very new here and am just finding my way around.
I have a Jewish heritage on maternal side.
Will look forward to more fascinating posts from yourself, so interesting.
Wonderful that your family of siblings have been able to find comfort in the wider community of their Jewish relatives!
seriously.....even when you were 100% in "the truth", did you really believe in living forever?
Yes. Absolutely. 100%.
Anything is possible if there is a divine creator.
Anything is still possible.
Simply, she, like most sincere Witnesses, allows her indoctrination to dictate her priorities in life. It's a sad fact, but I don't need to read more into it than what it really is.
You know, when I was completely indoctrinated and marching to the tune, that is exactly how I would have lead my life. Gulp.i think it does especially being that this organization is rigidly structured itself on formulated doctrines from a top hierarchy of men which are strictly enforced, among other reasons.
what cults are.
a cult is not necessarily a religious group, although religious cults are common, including breakaway sects from more mainstream faiths.
Cheers for posting this.
Is there website it is linked to?
I'd like to read more.
Interesting how all Cultic groups have a very strong and exclusive "family vibe".
Anyone who can't go along with the one way dogma is going to suffer as they lose "family"
The interesting trick with the JW religion is that it's like "the world" within the the world - if that makes sense.
. As I said several times in this forum, beware of the emotional pull from the congregation. It's really powerful,
"That is so true. I have felt it many times , I still feel it sometimes. I could have associates, "friends" to see several times a week... things to do, places to be, a life where people depended on me, respected me - just like it used to be. The trouble is that the genie is out of the bottle. I know now. I know that it is just not true, so how can I teach it?"
So true - so true.