. We signed up because we love God and Christ we did not sign up to follow the Governing Body into spiritual hell.
thanks cappytan for posting the thread "jehovah's people as a whole can never be corrupted".
it's a sad example of how low in simple reading skills the present gb and their helpers are.
david schafer referred to philippians 4:7 on jw broadcasting.
. We signed up because we love God and Christ we did not sign up to follow the Governing Body into spiritual hell.
thanks cappytan for posting the thread "jehovah's people as a whole can never be corrupted".
it's a sad example of how low in simple reading skills the present gb and their helpers are.
david schafer referred to philippians 4:7 on jw broadcasting.
I'm personally very grateful for your beautifully crafted insights - your latest post was keenly observant.
The balanced insights on this forum are like medicine to many like me, I hope at some point I can contribute.
It takes time to write with the aim of making a line of thought easy to read, thank you and to all other forum members.
whenever we visit the board we see a lot of angst among jehovah's witnesses who are just learning the tatt (the truth about the truth).
hey, don't feel bad, we had it at one time ourselves.
"angst means fear or anxiety (anguish is its latinate equivalent, and anxious, anxiety are of similar origin).
Great thread - and very relevant to my circumstances right now.
We have no JW family - but we do have non witness family who live overseas, and with whom we have always kept a happy relationship.
Thankfully, over the years they refused to let our dominant religious beliefs, such as not attending important family birthdays, Christmas etc etc get in the way of us being family to each other.
I'm getting through, day by day, processing the loss I feel about my 'faith' and most importantly 'trust'.
That includes trust in myself.
I feel ashamed and this causes me some bad down time.
My integrity felt increasingly compromised by the looney tunes coming out of WBTS... It made me feel sick.
I do have a couple of old friends from my former life who have stayed as real friends, but not living locally.
And I was absolutely delighted to get a surprise email from an ex business colleague this week - she and her husband are moving back into the area - and are looking forward to reconnecting with 'special' friends.
Last year, she and I had to attend a funeral together - having not seen each other for several years.
She spoke so warmly of our connection through the years - we hope to build a more involved social life together now she is going to be around.
It's the navigation from one life to another on a daily basis that causes grief and hurt.
Also out of the blue a dearly beloved 'sister' texted me - saying her heart is tied up with mine..... We had a major fall out when she decided that my factual criticism of the GB was more then she could handle.
But she wants to keep our relationship - even if it will be changed.
One of my non witness in laws has asked me to do a small city vacation with her....
We all have opportunity to create a new day, every day.
But we have all endured a huge shift and kindness to ourselves is paramount.
Some days will be dark.
But not every day.
Getting rid of the syrupy toxic stuff takes time it seems.
i've been lurking for about 3 months now and thought i'd better finally sign up.
you have all been an immense help to me as i have come to realize that this isn't the truth so i want to say a great big thank you!
what a crazy, emotional ride it is to finally face the truth about the doubts that i have carried for many years.
i just read this entire thread - thank you for being so kind as to respond on my own topic thread entitled "Struggling" a few days ago.
I'm in one heck of a state on and off - not because I'm vacillating between going back to meeting or staying well away.... But because of the grief.
I hope you and Mrs S keep strong together.
The more I dare to watch the JW TV channel, the more I feel utterly sick.
In the meantime, my whole psyche is in turmoil.
Take care of yourselves... There will be good days and not such good days.
i was curious to know what stew was brewing in the faithful and discrete slaves apostate kitchen.
where better to find out than the watchtower scullery.
i opened the watchtower, may 2015 pot, and was immediately hit with the stench of deception and false-doctrine which almost completely knocked me out.
Here's a question.
Jesus talks about different grades of judgement....and judgment is for those who have not put faith in Christ ... And they get judged according to their deeds.
So, if eternal destruction is the only outcome for ALL who are the resurrected unrighteous, which is a one size fits all judgement- why does Jesus speak of "heavier judgements" for some of the resurrected unrighteous.
Just throwing a question out there.....
yes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
@stuckinarut2 - in answer to your question - NO.
Am letting that sink in - you heard a similar talk in a different country.
It trickled down from the top. Shaking my head some more.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
I just noticed that I spoke of witnesses as being "Us".
I'm no longer part of the organisation.
But, I feel a collective shame for being part of that which was "us".
Does anyone else feel the same?
yes friends.....this is the comment said to me by an elder!.
"your bad attitude is evident because you don't bring your meeting bag anymore!".
i calmly replied: "but everything i need is on the tablet now......".
Stuckintherut2 - You know, when I was full in, totally head over heals in love with everything with all things to do with JW and someone had told me this experience, I would grimly have to acknowledge that such madness from elders, DOs and COs or anyone within the organisation is common.
I clearly remember a certain CO who was visiting with his lovely wife.
(By the way, perhaps some of you remember when there was all the kuffufle about foreign language slips. It appeared that many naughty, bible-study, return call desperate witnesses were holding onto their calls, and not passing them on to the appropriate language groups -and many of these witness folk genuinely felt a sincere connection, their prayers were to help these people in our territory)
This CO - stood on his tippy toes and then rocked backwards and forward on his heels as he boomed ( for effect) "It is STEALING" - quoting Paul and the Macedonia incident from Acts.
As I looked around at the tired, anxious faces of those who I knew would be struck in their heart by this because of their WT trained conscience, whilst also knowing their dire personal circumstances - I thought.. " you bastard" and immediately experienced my own agony as I repented for thinking such a bad thought in a meeting overseen by Jehovah.
it's to their credit that many modern christians prefer the jesus of the gospels to the god of the old testament.. ot god is an embarrassment.
i am not going to list his multitude of moral crimes here but my personal favourite is his brilliant idea that a girl who is raped must marry her rapist.
it's not his biggest crime but it demonstrates a disregard for human feelings that is beyond the comprehension of every moral person.
Caleb - parts of this remind me of something I read recently by Rob Bell.
I was interested in his direction of thinking - ( that doesn't make me a fall-over follower by any, any means ) but it niggled some internal arguments/ discussions for me.
Just the concept of how we read scripture.
We can read an extraordinary piece written by a human writer (outside of the bible) and sense something greater than we can give words to. It can have a sense of the divine.
I'm starting to revisit scripture and see the depth of humanity within it - it is a lesson to us. That is where my feeble brain is heading anyway.
your favorite garrett here.
so, i'm about to have an elder tell me allll about the failed 1975 doctrine.
Reading the article from March 15 1980.....I'm reminded of an unpleasant sensation I'd often get from the literature.
It's all about Us, the inside captured congregation.
All about how the loyal and committed Christian JW reacts, processes and manages information from the Slave.
The Slave says they are the Almighty God's mouthpiece.
So.....why are not millions, billions running to the organisation?
What will finally attract them? Do we have a "fine reputation" for having honest, humble communication with "unbelievers".... Or really, after decades of complete foolishness such as the above and through to today, ongoing issues with an illogical and conflicting blood doctrine, can we expect discerning, wise people to believe God is really speaking through our slave class? Is this IT?
Is this the best world can expect?
Jesus said that people would walk into the congregations and say that God is truly amongst/ with "us" people.
We ( JW) have no supernatural signs, no absolute precision prophetic interpretation.... For a young religion we have a painful history of truly weird, wonderful whacky beliefs.
I used to wonder why none of my dead grandparents, great grandparents would not have been "drawn to Jehovah" - surely they would have heard of witnesses in their day? .....well, perhaps they were not drawn to a religious entity that promised the resurrection of ancient worthies in 1925 to live in a purpose built mansion - perhaps that repelled them? The things that are old now and are discounted, would have been very fresh then.