A gentle human to human hug coming over the seas to you.
I remember how time slowed right down the last day or so when my little Ma passed away.
Precious hours.
Take care X
i just wanted to say that my dear 89 year old mom is terminally ill and will soon pass.
she is on morphine and hanging on.
she has been a devout witness for about 60 years and a wonderful mother.
A gentle human to human hug coming over the seas to you.
I remember how time slowed right down the last day or so when my little Ma passed away.
Precious hours.
Take care X
that was today's topic over a group chat of my cong's young jbots.
apparently the rumors are circulating everywhere i go, even people from the spanish congs are talking about it.
what's really sad is that the majority of people are already seeing this as "clear" signs of the end coming.
I just know I couldn't be in any kind of JW group conversation of that sort without screaming 'STOPPIT' and thus perhaps attracting negative attention.
for potential new-arrivals: .
if you are one of the many who are facing expulsion from bethels around the world in the near future - or simply a sincere j.w.
acts 13:31 - "who are now his (jesus') witnesses to the people.
In the year I was starting to really squirm and feel a tightness of breath about the ongoing declarations coming from 'our leaders' - I took to reading the bible even more.
A thought I kept in mind, was something that is often said amongst witnesses 'we are the only ones who use jehovahs name'
Every letter in the NT is begun prayerfully - 'to God our Father......." Etc.
The name of Jesus, his title as Lord or Christ is used liberally.
One afternoon in service with a lifelong pioneer, we were talking of the scriptures and the promises, the forgiveness and so on. I deliberately sprinkled my comments with the phrase 'our Lord Jesus Christ' and 'God our Father' (not overly to the point of weirdness!!)
At one point I finished a comment saying something about our Lord Christ Jesus ( having not mentioned Jehovah once) and my pioneer friend giggled "Alive! You sound like one of those born agains!"
I laughed too. I said actually, I was just following the pattern and language of the scriptures and letters from the apostles.
I started up the car and quickly said 'so where next'
My own words haunted me!!!!
hello, i haven't posted for a number of years.
i've been struggling for years of wrestling in my mind regarding the organization.
i guess the big thing for me to push me over the edge is the generation overlapping thingy.
Great point Pete.
If I should take a 'believers/biblical' point of view - I'd have to scrutinise what came out of Rutherford's mouth. He prophesied that the ancient prophets would be resurrected and built a mansion for them - this 'prophetic' and 'inspired utterance' was made well known throughout his world - including an article in NY times.
This isn't a light error - if I hear this with 'Christian believing ears' I have to filter it through the word of God's cautions - if the utterance isn't from God ( and it isn't if it isn't true) - who is it from?
So - here is a man who made many claims and speeches that have been entirely misleading - not just a wee miscalculation here and there.
That's fine. That was his problem.
Our problem is do we trust the sayings of a man which were obviously tinted with misleading 'lies'....ridiculous prophetic utterances that surely 'hurt' Jehovah's name? Not just then - but now.
I walked away, I had to - this man's sympathisers and collaborators still carry on the same pattern today....and behave and talk in the same pattern.
I wasn't prepared to draw people to God via these men who do not have a pattern of honesty or transparency - but worse, a pattern of unscriptural 'utterances' which detracts from the true message.
"downsizing" has reached special pioneers.. this is the template mexico is using to get rid of many of its special pioneers.
see how cold and unloving is the language they use.
a translation attempt is as follows:.
i bet jesus would have been df'd by the "elders" in his day.
lets think about it, jesus hung out with "worldly" people.
his closest friends were known prostitutes, money collectors, men of "prominence" in the world of that day, non "beleivers" of the "faith" like samaritans, and many others that todays "elders" would have deemed "unworthy".. jesus spoke against the "organization" and "elders" of his day.
i bet jesus would have been df'd by the "elders" in his day.
lets think about it, jesus hung out with "worldly" people.
his closest friends were known prostitutes, money collectors, men of "prominence" in the world of that day, non "beleivers" of the "faith" like samaritans, and many others that todays "elders" would have deemed "unworthy".. jesus spoke against the "organization" and "elders" of his day.
The character of Jesus has absolutely nothing in common with the religious culture of The Watchtower.
So - back in the mid to late 1800s, a man called C.T. Russell went 'searching' - he worked with numerology/pyramid mystic key points - nice foundation for the 'real Christian congregation' ahem.
Wonder how Jesus would have felt about 'judge' Rutherford consulting with demons?
I can't understand how a man ( Rutherford) can excuse himself from making such false prophetic statements - 1) the resurrection of the ancient patriarchs to live in his purpose built mansion - obviously he was listening to the wrong inspirations - certainly didn't come from 'Jesus'.
Why wasn't Rutherford disfellowshipped - surely spritistic false prophecy is a gross sin? He made Jehovah's name look foolish at that time - in the worst possible way - and he didn't get disciplined?
Oh - I forgot. He was just a dear imperfect 'annointed' brother - hmmmmm.
i'm not sure if this topic has ever been posted (surely, i believe it has), but it would be interesting to revive such a topic and hear your stories!.
when my parents heard my first rant (after they told me to be home schooled when i was caught kissing a girl) they entered into a long depression that continues to this day.
my father suffers knowing his once amazing family is now divided, and my mother is equally angry.
Certainly, it became clear - you cannot question a darn thing.
Its been said here before - to question the very existence of God is acceptable to a degree within the JW religion - that is a cause for empathy, encouragement and support - but question our 'annointed brothers' = the GB aka 'The complete and final FDS of seven' Νever!!!
Well, you know what - I wouldn't want to bring any human being into such a stranglehold - I don't want to 'study' the bible with anyone with the kind of manipulative training we've all had, the 'tricks' we learnt in the KM school, the so called 'conversation stoppers' - decades and decades of this intense 'selling' - and turned around in a blink of an eye to visual appeasement with feel good videos end cartoons.
i'm not sure if this topic has ever been posted (surely, i believe it has), but it would be interesting to revive such a topic and hear your stories!.
when my parents heard my first rant (after they told me to be home schooled when i was caught kissing a girl) they entered into a long depression that continues to this day.
my father suffers knowing his once amazing family is now divided, and my mother is equally angry.
After years of me offering myself as a constant listening ear to her vitriolic venting re how she and her family were treated by elders and 'High profile' witnesses and their families, supporting and encouraging her to go out in service (Yeah OK - I know :-( ) giving her financial help, lending money for her children's medical bills, paying for lunches, dinners and more -well, when I voiced my despair re obvious lies and inconsistencies, she accused me of being ungrateful to Jehovah.
I sent her stuff from our publications - with question - what are we saying????? How can we print this???
She's an intelligent woman.
She has cut me out of her life - I was her only true friend for years. Seriously.
i showed up for saturday morning field service and i was partnered with an elder who had transferred to our congregation in the dallas, texas area from michigan.
i told him about a recent embarrassing moment where i had played a "worldly" song during the sunday meeting due to someone replacing the cassette i had placed in the cassette player late friday night that had the correct "kingdom melody.".
out of the blue he said "about 4 years ago i was giving the sunday talk and i kept sporting a boner from time to time which was bizarre since being horny and teaching about jehovah is typically not something one associates with one another.".
Lol - the thing is - I know that these kind of stories are true - not nasty little apostate lies.
What I'm trying to say - is that even if THESE stories were made up - any 'apologist' JW reading here would have more than a few terribly uncomfortable stories too!
It's global.
The bad mad stuff that comes from the 'platform' and the stuff the comes out of the mouths of those 'appointed by holy spirit' not to forget - we are ALL 'ministers' and 'ambassadors of Christ' - and as a religion we've had the bare faced cheek to mock and deride other Christian based churches.