the 2nd trumpet blast was fulfilled when Judge Rutherford blew his nose at the International Convention
I believe the 7 trumpet blast was fulfilled when Rutherford let go with a big wet fart and we have been smelling it ever since.
hello i am new to this board, but wen out of truth about 18 months ago.
reading crisis of conscience etc helped me greatly.
however like most of you still recovering.
the 2nd trumpet blast was fulfilled when Judge Rutherford blew his nose at the International Convention
I believe the 7 trumpet blast was fulfilled when Rutherford let go with a big wet fart and we have been smelling it ever since.
.....I meant who do Jehovah Witnesses say are the ones who will "reign on the earth" in Rev. 5:10??
I have been out a long time but I believe they teach the elders will be those who reign on the earth. It seems to me in a few articles they refer to those elders as princes who would be in control after the final part of the remnent were no longer on earth.
Years ago an elder I knew was talking about this happening and he was getting quite excited with this idea.It sure doesn't take much to keep some of the dubs in line.Just a little pie in the sky.
i could swear i read on this particular forum a comment that the wts finally admitted that earthquakes were not more frequent as they have contended for such a long time.
i thought someone mentioned a wt or awake!
in which this statement was made.. i did a search on this forum and another but no luck.
WTS finally admitted that earthquakes were not more frequent
Ah yes ..yet more new light.It seems as if all new articles are nothing more than a retraction of all the "truths" that were written in stone only a few short years ago. Instead of the light getting brighter we now can see clearly that these so called "prophets of god" were in the dark in times past,continue in the dark today and the future for them looks even worse.
What I find depressing are all the brain dead people who never question or stop to think about this.They are indeed "lifers" and will go down with the ship all the while believing in their "truth"
hello i am new to this board, but wen out of truth about 18 months ago.
reading crisis of conscience etc helped me greatly.
however like most of you still recovering.
confirm the Sociey had dropped the UN in prophecy.
Yep...It appears they just don't like to speculate on things like that and we shouldn't either.In like manner we should no longer speculate about the meaning of "generation" or who the king of the north is in bible prophecy.
Truly I say to you,today the light is growing dimmer and dimmer and then the lights will go out on this vile excuse for a religion.
lane convention, the son of the society?s premiere attorney, committed suicide, because he was gay!
or at least was envoled in gay sex and drugs for many years!.
well, lane was a very good friend of mine.
ANd what is He asking from us?simply, that we love Kindness, exercise Justice, and be Modest in walking with our God.
What religion are you with blind zebra???? It can't be JW's or this list would be one hell of a lot longer.
my inactive jw hubby said he thought that babies/children too young to choose their beliefs would be brought back after armageddon in the jw belief system.
i have read the opposite on this board.
my husband hasn't been to a meeting in quite awhile and i don't think he paid too much attention when he was there ... lol ... so i thought i'd ask.
The answer to this question is a most definite YES and NO. All the information presented internally..magazines,books and meetings clearly show that all children will DIE!!! All dubs accept this as truth and none even stop to question this sick sick doctrine.
However put the same dub at a house holders door. If a person asked point blank if only "good JW's" would survive armageddon the reply would be that only Jehovah would decide who would survive and it was not up to them to say.This lying deception comes down to them from the highest levels of the borg.
On the official WT website spokesman J R Brown cunningly avoids the question when it is put to him. Instead of answering directly and truthfully he turns the question to one of who God will resurrect after the big "A" That was not the question posed.
All lurkers here and those with doubts should look at this question and the response to it.A religion calling itself "The Truth" should not be speaking LIES and HALF TRUTHS on it's official web page.
i seem to have noticed lately an increasing number of persons that have declared that they are fading and soon will be out.along with these ones there are also seemingly a large number of new ones signing up with this board.. do you thing that this will show up as a "blip" on the wt radar screen when a large number of people opt out at the same time???.
i hope so !!!!!
-- Number of publishers declining: Jehovah blessing the organization by weeding out the unworthy ones.
I am sure that when the big drop in numbers comes they will look on it as a positive sign. The poor dumb buggers that are still stuck in will have to peddle their wares a lot harder just to stay even. What a depressing thought.
( j w?s self appointed evil slave class, the self anointed ).the only people to ever do this on earth.
l. then is finished the mystery of god page 292 quote:
3rd trumpet blown 1924
GEEEEEZ Could you not just post in one paragraph.You give me a head ache just looking at this.
i have successfully deprogrammed my first dub.. my very good friend has finally seen the light.
i am so happy that the shackles have come off.
she is in the process of reading coc and has stopped going to meetings.. i have made my first apostate disciple.. wannaexit
One down... Six Million to go.
i seem to have noticed lately an increasing number of persons that have declared that they are fading and soon will be out.along with these ones there are also seemingly a large number of new ones signing up with this board.. do you thing that this will show up as a "blip" on the wt radar screen when a large number of people opt out at the same time???.
i hope so !!!!!
But my attitude would be better described for things like this as "Expect the worst and hope for the best."
I know this may prove out to be nothing more that wishfull thinking.Some times this is all that can cheer me up.
I long to hear the final toilet flush as this religion goes where it rightfully belongs.