Thank you for posting this thread! The responses were very thoughtful and very revealing. I feel that I got to know everyone that posted much better after reading them. Many of my personal feelings were validated as I read those painful experiences. This is exactly what I had hoped for when I started posting on this forum.
I am still curious, however, how you personally feel in regard to one question that you posted to open this thread. It is the question on which I chose to focus most of my response, and one which others commented on at length as well.
Is the WTS, the Jehovah’s Witnesses a cult? It would depend on whom you ask. Is it an association that controls the lives of its members. Most definitely. However, would that not be the case if it truly was what it claims to be? Would that not be its very nature, to differentiate its members from the ‘world’? Is TRUTH not unique? Once found and accepted should it not be defended against all lies and misrepresentations?
Your question seems to defend the JW control over its members from the perspective that claimed possession of the "truth" justifies such actions. Are you equating "making a defense" of one's beliefs with demanding total compliance at the cost of being rejected and shunned? At the very least, I sense ambivalence about the matter. Did the responses on this thread cause you to feel any differently? What do you think, are the JWs a cult? Is any of their control over members lives justified?
In regard to their cult status, I can't help but think of what Theo passionately referred to -- demanding that members die before challenging their ever-changing blood prohibitions, at the risk of being shunned (if not officially disfellowshipped). Is that really any different from making members drink poison kool-aid? If the JW org is not a dangerous cult then what is it? What do you think?