It's a social club. No thoughts necessary to join.
I ALWAYS loathed bible games. Ugh!!!!
i believe the average rank & file are illiterate when it come to the bible because they are so used to using the wbats cliff notes... even though i believe the bible is a fiction novel, at least be able to explain a novel you hold is such high regard: i mean jesus!!!
It's a social club. No thoughts necessary to join.
I ALWAYS loathed bible games. Ugh!!!!
i didn't go to the prom but i did belong to a chess club until the awake article said it was a war game and suggested true christians wouldn't play such a game.
This religion always reminded me of the movie Footloose, where the Dad (the town Preacher) would not allow a dance or rock music in the town.
I experienced this in the 1980's, where Elders felt that any get together was going to result in fornicating or partying and drinking. Most of the kids just wanted to have fun with their friends. Alot left and found their fun elsewhere.
i didn't go to the prom but i did belong to a chess club until the awake article said it was a war game and suggested true christians wouldn't play such a game.
No...I didn't. I wasn't allowed. My kids will do the things I wasn't allowed to experience.
there has been more than a few posts about anthony morris iii and his talk about tight pants, spanx (spandex?
) and bethel as a destination vacation.. after the initial bewilderment and laughing about his diatribe, it is more clear to me that this was not about modest clothing choices, or spiritual priorities.. it was designed and succeeded as a slap in the face of all who listened.. the things he talked about are just not on the normal radar of anyone who listened.. i can recall nowhere in writing that ever encouraged families to go to bethel before disneyworld, mgm, etc; nowhere that talks about leggings or modern cut men's suits (it is just fashion, after all), or women wearing exercise clothing in public.
(on a side note, i have been to assemblies, there are just not many of us who could wear tight clothing and not look like stuffed sausage, so how many people was he aiming at here?).
been away from the site for a few days...because i have been busy getting these!!!!!!
(pixel, thank you!
) they did not make it easy, plus technical difficulties.. for the main attraction:.
The General Public is turned off by the Building? Ha
Hello JW's...maybe it has something to do with the Internet and all the Truths about the Truth you find when you Google Jehovahs Witnesses!
just wanted to say thank you to all of you for everything over the last 3.5 years.
i am completely faded now.
i no longer suffer from major anxiety/depression, well versed on cults and how to protect myself, continually searching and taking in knowledge regarding my own relationship with god.
Lambsbottom and Garret
Someone just posted on another thread..."JWs are so terrified of dying that they are too scared to live.'
Everyone here...Go live and enjoy EVERYDAY! It's a great life!
there has been more than a few posts about anthony morris iii and his talk about tight pants, spanx (spandex?
) and bethel as a destination vacation.. after the initial bewilderment and laughing about his diatribe, it is more clear to me that this was not about modest clothing choices, or spiritual priorities.. it was designed and succeeded as a slap in the face of all who listened.. the things he talked about are just not on the normal radar of anyone who listened.. i can recall nowhere in writing that ever encouraged families to go to bethel before disneyworld, mgm, etc; nowhere that talks about leggings or modern cut men's suits (it is just fashion, after all), or women wearing exercise clothing in public.
(on a side note, i have been to assemblies, there are just not many of us who could wear tight clothing and not look like stuffed sausage, so how many people was he aiming at here?).
The entire Governing Body knew the talk Morris was going to give @ the Zone Mtg (he gave it in Italy a few months prior in the US). They allowed it to happen, just as much as Morris.
I equate it to Bodies of Elders who allow things to go on in the Congregation(s,) that they themselves condemn. They sanctioned it and are just as guilty for doing so.
That talk was given to insult the R&F. It's almost like it was done on purpose. I think they are pushing the Fence Sitters and only want the Ubers.
They pushed these fence sitters right over the edge. Thanks did us a tremendous favor! Never been happier!
ok more about the jw wedding i attended.
there were these two couples at our dinner table that were having an all out pissing competition as to who was the most spiritual.
they were comparing who was in "the truth" the longest, who pioneered where and for how long.
this is crazy..... .
questions from readers.
how should christians view fortune cookies?.
i recently went to a wedding and listened to the wedding talk at the kingdom hall the couple had both heard the talk before as they were both married in kingdom halls before.
this is his second time and her third.
the advice given.