Zoos. Great find! Thanks for sharing!
Hit's the nail on the head!
i was reading through this list and was struck by how accurately it describes the watchtower royalty class.
not exactly a professional doing the writing but i think he captures it pretty well.. http://frankpowell.me/12-signs-you-are-modern-day-pharisee.
for those who cannot access the link:.
Zoos. Great find! Thanks for sharing!
Hit's the nail on the head!
the first ever billboard has been crowd funded on reddit and will be going up.
i'm curious to know if it will cause a spark in any jw's who already have questions or doubts and lead them to research into the child abuse cases and lead them to the thought that the wt and gb are not inspired or gods mouthpiece.
at the very least it will provide people a topic of conversation and questions to the jw's who knock on their door: "so whats this whole sex abuse in kingdom halls thing about i saw on the billboard down the road?
as we had reached my destination, i paid him and was getting down when he handed me something.
then i saw it was the wt and awake.
i just had the time to say: "oh, okay, thank you!
from the perspective of the jehovah's witnesses public witnessing cart.
a family put this skit on for going away party for our missionary family.
[ i can just imagine what the villagers are going to say about the crazy missionary gringo and his cart.
I tried to read it too. Couldn't figure it out. Anyone else figure it out? Weird!
from the perspective of the jehovah's witnesses public witnessing cart.
a family put this skit on for going away party for our missionary family.
[ i can just imagine what the villagers are going to say about the crazy missionary gringo and his cart.
if you were/are in the sydenham (melbourne/victoria) congo you may be very familiar with this a few years back.
a prominent elder who likes the sound of his own voice (hint, his initials are william saad) yes of quite a well connected family, was on a judicial committee who was disfellowshiping one of his own male relatives for repeated marijuana usage.. this story by the way shows how corrupt the whole system is.
as williams family (elders and c/o) had covered up the previous few sorrid outcomes of his drug usage, they couldn't contain the last public viewing of his drug dependency, witnessed by many witnesses ironically... so they held a jc to disfellowship him.
New Day
My Dad was an Elder (deceased) all my life. He was fair, impartial and kind like you. I know there are a few out there.
I kuddo you. I wish there were more Elders out there like you were.
I can almost guarantee that if my Dad were alive today he would be deleted or resign as an Elder. It seems the genuine/kind/loving ones don't last. We have witnessed that several times in our own family.
Sad to say.
i remember when i was a kid, how the importance of meeting attendance was continually drummed into our heads.
through the magazines, meetings, and especially traveling overseers, it was stressed that missing just one meeting was akin to allowing satan into our lives and would jeopardize our everlasting life in paradise earth.. one particular bit of 'advice' stood out, even to a small child: even if out of town relatives showed up on meeting day, you shouldn't let that cause you to miss a meeting.
i remember trying to play that out in mind... 'welcome, grandpa!
Bottom line....these people just can't make the time for you. It's all pleasantries. "Oh we should get together sometime." Yadda yadda. They couldn't give 2 hoots about getting together with you. Professional BS'ers!
The only time the looovvvee to get together is when it's on your tab and the booze is flowing (on your dime of course!
Don't do it. The JW religion will dig to your VERY core and you will never be the same. They get under your skin and up you a**.
Tough when you are first in love but as time goes on you just don't realize how much the JW thing affects every aspect of your life.
There isn't a day that goes by that I wish I wasn't born in to the craziness of the JW's.
i've watched the reaction to the nepal disaster for the first time with eyes opened.
lots of comments about praying for the brothers and sisters affected.
the official release on the website references only the sister and her two children that died, along with the impact on the brothers there.
"in el salvador, one man tied his vicious dog in front of the door whenever he saw jehovahs witnesses nearby.
the man would wait for the witnesses to move on, and then he would bring the dog back into the house.
the brothers were never able to speak to the man.