"He also compared it to someone who might survive a swim in shark-infested waters" So says' the SHARK!
The only time we swam in shark-infested waters is when we were JW's.
recently i heard through video link to our kh a talk by bro loesch where he attacked university study (again) but this time he prefaced his remarks by saying, and i quote, "the faithful slave does not forbid you to go to university.
" so this was a bad start as his following remarks made it clear that this was just a way of seeming reasonable while basically saying that we shouldn't do it.
he went on to use an illustration i think he has used before about a man with ocd who decided to kill himself.
"He also compared it to someone who might survive a swim in shark-infested waters" So says' the SHARK!
The only time we swam in shark-infested waters is when we were JW's.
i see an attitude among some people here which is not very helpful.
i can understand it, but still, it's not constructive or helpful.. if you condemn the society for not changing, but then you also condemn them when they do change in a positive way, what incentive or motive does that provide for the people at the society to ever want to change for the better?.
also, what does that attitude look like to current witnesses who are having doubts?.
There are A LOT of hurt, deeply wounded and rightfully bitter people on this site thank you to their religion shamelessly letting them down. These were once hopeful followers. Tons of good people on here with many heartbreaking stories.
Do not judge until you walk in someone else's shoes.
the "don't buy ice cream give us the money video" that is the subject of other threads.. i am not very good with computer stuff - would someone tell me where it is to be found on jworg please?
i can't find it.. thanks..
They should have named the new brochure...Return to Jehovah...we need your money!
at the rc... between parents and grandparents... gag.
the first talk... " we jehovah's witnesses want to assure you, yes, we believe in jesus.
he was the greatest of jehovah's creation".
Wow...she did a beautiful job. Her emotion really showed. It just goes to show the damage this cult does to peoples lives. Hopefully it will have a damaging affect on this cult disguised as a religion.
Thank you for sharing that!
Has anyone watched the What is true love new release video?
It was a hard watch. Long...1:13!
The morale of the story is the same in every video they do. If you leave Jehovah your life will go to sh**. The couple was portrayed as materialistic, the husband became a workaholic and a**hole (was a nice guy at the beginning of the video). Even the wife wore heavy make up, jewelry and oh my god...High heels! I bet she wears Spanx too! Evil!
The good JW's were the perfect little examples. Wife, no make up, plain Jane clothes and flats. They didn't take any additional jobs that would earn them any real money. The put the organization (oops...I mean Jehovah) first.
The same ole, same ole. Good versus evil....you bad, we good.
This video will certainly stroke the egos to the Ubers and shame the Sisters who don't pursue a spiritual man (aka....a JW task master)!
I experienced similar things growing up in this cult @ the same age as you. It is a very lonely place. The only thing that saved me was meeting my best friend and mate in life early on. Keep focused on your education. Education is what will allow you to go on your own and rely on yourself. Three years will go by quickly. Rely and trust in yourself. You can do ANYTHING you set your mind too. Play the game to get your education and once you do, move on and take care of yourself.
I know this sounds selfish but take care of yourself. NO ONE else will do that for you.
the parody video is being released before the "official" release on sunday!.
video being re-edited...stand by.. edit: here is the re-cut with wingcommander's excellent input.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5h1cj527s4.
day 1 release - return to jehovah .
day 2 release - jesus - the way, the truth, the life .
day 2 release - become jehovah's friend - .
What do all these new releases mean?
1. Donations are down.
2. People are leaving "the truth." Oh no!
3. Sisters are marrying unbaptized or evil worldly men.
This is great! We don't have to do a thing, the GB/organization are doing it all for us. Beautiful!!!
Keep up the great work GB, you are putting the nail in your own coffin.