Posts by ToesUp
Today's WT glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and therefore immortality
by purrpurr inin today's wt study it makes the point that just glancing at the opposite sex is flirting and can lead to sex!.
so are jw's now to wear blinkers?.
also jw's are told to go and confess to the elders if they have any immoral thoughts?!!.
Every time I hear things like this it reminds me of the movie Footloose. The Preacher Father thought the music was going to cause the kids to have sexual desires. Good grief! -
I Rolled My Eyes When...
by Iown Mylife intoday as i had the old timey music playing and the song love potion no.
9 came on, i remembered being reproved by a brother at a get together when i sang along to that same song.
oh that song is spiritistic, blah blah.
When I was a kid (many moons ago), the scrutiny got so bad in org, I actually lost my desire to attend any JW functions. Sometimes I would just briefly show up and leave. All we seemed to hear was..."the music is wrong/too loud, picking on kids clothes, hairstyles. Kids are going off together." The list goes on and on!
The scrutiny continued into adulthood: "Don't get married, don't have kids, no vacations, don't buy a home, no college, your clothes are inappropriate." Again...the list goes on and on. Who the hell wants to live like that? Man made rules.
It seems the org took all of the joy out of life. I don't want to take the joy out of my kids lives. This should be the BEST part of their lives. So glad we are OUT!
New Inactive One Saying Hello to all
by Lostwun inlostwun here, i joined 2 months ago but am now just finding the courage after doing more research to formally introduce myself to the board and embrace my new beginnings as an ex-jw.
i am a second-generation jw.
i grew up with parents who are well known and very respected in many circuits.
Welcome! So glad to hear so many are learning TTATT. We left 2+ years ago.
Move slow with your husband, don't rush it. It's A LOT to absorb. We too were born in's (my dad an Elder).I know what you mean by the spot light on you growing up. It stinks.
Take it slow. Don't tell ANYONE in the congregation why you are not attending. Use the not feeling well, depressed, busy excuse. It's none of anyone's business. I know that is hard living in a small/close knit town.
Keep slowly trying to plant those little seeds of doubt with your husband. You never know.
Hang in there and keep us posted on your progress.
OFS Did It Again
by OneFingerSalute inso once again i was able to make a comment to tweak those who were at this mornings wt parrot session using their own printed words.
the question on par.
10 was, "why is flirting dangerous?".
Wow! Great comment. Did you receive any feed back from the conductor? -
Using Governing Body Member Jackson Testimony To The Royal Commission, For A Defense Before A Judicial Committee Meeting
by Brokeback Watchtower ini think that a person that is called before a judicial committee can use a recording of the trial and force the elder to view it because of jackson's statement to the commission and get off.
i think mr jackson has said enough about people who wish to leave the witnesses as not being harassed, hunted down, or spied upon and such to get the elder off your back and give them a "good witness".. also to be highlighted is the fact that jackson has stated under oath that the governing body is willing to reexamine doctrine and policy in order to conform to the law,.
i think many statements by gb jackson to the commission can be used by some one clever and thus escape the label of apostate and be unhindered to a large extent of speaking to others.. .
"Jackson's words make the "Loyalty" question much harder for Elders to pose now."
If they ask "Do you believe the G.B are god's spokesman" or similar, you can reply "As Bro Jackson of the G.B said, it would be presumptuous to do so".
So true Phizzy. Their words will come back to bite them!
What's the Worst Gossip You Heard About Why You were DF'ed, Faded or Left and Never Came Back? They say "I am gay!"
by PhilsWager2 inyour going to enjoy the latest rumor i heard why i have not been to meeting for around nine months, i am a homosexual!
i was caught having a drink at one of the gay bars for business, yes people still talk business in bars.
revelation 17:4).and murderers, and fornicators (cf.
We haven't heard any gossip about us because we quite frankly want these crazy JW's OUT of our lives. We have given them NOTHING to gossip about, we just walked away with no explanation. It's driving the nosy little buggers crazy! -
Funny! Love it! -
Discussing the RC with a friend and my JW wife was listening.
by Driving Force ini am fuming at the moment and my wife has made me so angry.. i live in germany and an ex jw, a friend of mine is also ex jw but does not understand english so i was giving him a rundown on the friday session of the rc with gj.
my wife was in another part of the house but heard my phone ring and so she came to listen, i did not realize this, because when the phone rang i closed two doors between myself and my wife.
she opened the first door and started listening to the conversation.
Driving force. Sorry about your current situation. If it was my spouse, I would recommend she watch both parts of Jackson's testimony. She can not claim it is from an apostate source? It gives her a chance for her to watch with her own eyes! A JW leader admit, under oath...that the org she love's, acknowledges that child abuse does occur.
If she did watch it, then I would remain silent. Wait until she wants to discuss it, if ever.
Send the video links to her email. She's a Witness, you know she want's to watch it!
DF, Hang in there...we are rooting for you!
The Royal Commission and Watchtower - A game changer
by Hidden-Window ini had finished watching all the videos on the royal commission's investigation of jehovah's witnesses (yes, i know more videos are being released).
i am still processing the information of everything that has emerged.
i do not plan to cover it all here, but i would like to point out that it is patently obvious that some of the wt representatives provided misleading information.
If (that's a big if) they will only change because they were forced to.
If that happens, the change was for the wrong reasons. Not because people have been hurt and devastated but because they were forced.
I watched Mr. Jackson last night with my super cult minded parents
by Magwitch ini have seen some ask on this site how the active jw's are handling what is happening in australia.
here is my little experience from last night........ my parents were baptized in the late 30's as children and have never faltered in their determination to survive the great tribulation and live forever in paradise (even though they actively associate with all their df'ed kids).
my father is still actively serving as an elder and my mother has always been by his side.
Once our family members reach a certain age, it's just not worth the fight. They have been indoctrinated for soooo long & they wouldn't know what to do without the TWOOF.
I know you feel the same way we do....carry on with your life, bite your tongue and have a glass of wine to deal with the frustration.