I love these interviews that Eric does. Eric has really helped us out with our fade. I love his perspective on things. If you are on here Eric, thank you for all that you do. I want to thank the majority on here for helping us out too. It has taught us how to "play the game" of fading. We are doing things OUR WAY, giving the Elders and other busy bodies NOTHING. They have taken enough of our time and energy!
My husband and I were probably considered "losers" in the Congregation. Never "reached out" for the almighty "priviledges." You know... pioneering, need greaters, MS or Eldership. There was always something holding us back. Something just did not seem right. We never were fully engaged. Now we know why.
When we read and listen to these ones who put there all into this cult (some for many, many years), it really encourages us that we really weren't losers. Just people who saw so much wrong. It saddens me that so many thought they were doing the right thing. Serving Jehovah is all some wanted to do. They had such good intentions. Good/solid people.
For all of you that come forward and have been hurt deeply...we would like to thank you for coming forward and helping all on here and on other sites as well. We are grateful for you all!