Mr. & Mrs. Stumpy
Wow...what a great outcome! So happy for you. Each day that you are out of this high control cult, you will become happier. We were always told that if we left the "truth" we would be miserable. We asked the question, why aren't we miserable. We are much much happier! We have been out for about 3 years and as my spouse wrote in an earlier post to Jake:
"We watched the RC on video and Tony Morris gave the talk: He asked the following questions:. Since you have been inactive. Is my life more meaningful? Am I happier now? Both of our answers are YES! We have not been to a meeting in 3 years and honestly we are the happiest we have ever been in our entire lives. Why? We were taught if we left Jehovah our lives would be miserable! Why are we so happy? Why does our lives have more meaning since leaving?"
Go live a happy life! Carpe diem..."seize the day!"
Two more people the org can not "use" for free labor and donations! Yippie!