Posts by ToesUp
Four "Sisters" killed in a car crash , Texas
by BluesBrother inif this has been posted before - sorry.... the comment that they were dubs comes in the 8th paragraph down.
a tragedy , j w's or not ........
Very sad. -
Could "this generation" inspire a new "1975 debacle"?
by Island Man ini think that it's possible that they're getting ready to issue a new end time date insinuation like they did with 1975. now i know what some of you are probably thinking: why would they be so stupid as to repeat such a mistake, knowing what happened in 1975?
well here're two reasons why i think they could do it:.
first, it's important to remember that they are deluded.
Nothing surprises me. Even if they are 100% correct, I would rather take a permanent dirt nap than spend eternity with these crazies! -
TV.JW.ORG (September 2015): Serving Single - Do not use JW dating sites!
by Designer Stubble inaround the 39:00 minute mark the focus shifts to a single sister who cannot find a mate.
at the 42:30 minute mark she states "i cannot believe it crossed my look on jw dating sites".
guess a new unwritten rule is added to the many oral traditions of these pharisees.
Morale of the story: Do more, do more, do more and you won't be lonely! Keep busy in the work of the Lord and you won't have time to think about how lonely you are! Really? -
Went to a revival meeting
by hoser inwell it was a circuit assembly but basically the same thing.
imitate jehovah in your family using resources wisely was one of the parts.
they basically said don't buy a new cell phone so you can give more to "jehovah".
Gee...I think I'll go buy a new cell phone! I have the money now, I don't have to put donations in the box anymore.It's amazing how much time and money we have now that we are out! No motels for conventions. No gas for car in service and to conventions. No dress clothes (love this one). Don't have to buy dress clothes for kids either.
Hoser...Sorry you had to sit thru that. Ugh!
Do you find it hard to be around active JW's now?
by EdenOne ini do - actually, it's become close to unbearable.. and herein lies the paradox: i tried to fade in the illusion that i might keep contact with family and friends still "in".
was it worth it?
because not only most of them shun me anyways, but i find it almost unbearable to be around them, especially when the cult chit chat kicks in: every cute animal video clip triggers endless comments about glimpses of the future paradise and how "god did it"; those greasy praises to the organization and the governing body; the dumb awe about every jw broadcast and those cheesy music videos; the endless drivel against other religions when one knows perfectly well that we're no better than them; the endless flow of "experiences" of field service or spectacular conversions into "the truth"; the relentless congregation gossip; and so on .... i ask myself: is this why i am fading for ...?
Oh good Lord yes! We have some uber dub family members that can't talk about anything if it's not JW. Everything, and I mean everything, is JW. If you try to go off topic they will ALWAYS bring it back to spiritual talk. These are people who have nothing else in life. No jobs, no education & no "worldly friends."
Typically, we can only stand so much and have to make an excuse not to get together with them or bail out as quick as possible.
Actually, I think they are extrememly insecure. They are always bragging about their kids "spirituality" and all the wonderful spiritual things they themselves enjoy. 100% glorified ones and they are going to let everyone know it! It's all about me, me, me!!!
London Bethelites Are Agitated!
by The Searcher ina source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
London Bethelites Are Agitated!
by The Searcher ina source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
It's funny, most of us here work full or part time jobs. I do not recollect anyone providing me any breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Let the pioneers pack there own lunches like the rest of us have to do for assemblies or work.
This whole cult has become a huge competition. They can have it, we are enjoying our lives!
London Bethelites Are Agitated!
by The Searcher ina source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
We are joining RIGHT NOW!! LOL
London Bethelites Are Agitated!
by The Searcher ina source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
Oubliette - we just watched the video. Wow! Can't stop laughing! Thanks for sharing! -
London Bethelites Are Agitated!
by The Searcher ina source has informed me that a relative who's in london bethel has said that a number of bethelites there are very uncomfortable and embarrassed because the branch has received "quite a few letters" querying why members of the governing body were wearing flashy rings and jewellery on some of the monthly broadcasts, but on the broadcast when the g.b.
asked for more money from the congregations - their gold and jewellery was not on display!.
will probably emerge one day wearing sackcloth, begging for yet more donations..
It looks like the evil internet and JW Broadcasting is backfiring! Oh well!
Are the natives getting restless?? Hmmm!