This is a good question. I think the answer to the question has a lot to do with WHO you are!
If Daddy is a "spiritual man"....i.e. Daddy does enough tasks in the Congregation! We watched several families allow their children to participate in all kinds of extracurricular activities in school. As long as everything "looks good." You know...the kids go out in service and get the national average in. Maybe even pioneer once a year. We have watched these little spiritual princes and princesses shine on the Convention stage during an interview asking how they maintained their integrity while at school. In the meantime, these cutey pies are applying to college, playing sports at school and performing in the marching band. What a hypocritical lot these people are!
When we were growing up we had the "School Brochure". We were not allowed to attend college, play sports or be involved in any extracurricular activities.
My how times have changed!