LHS123...the one thing the JW's do GREAT is talk out both sides of their mouths. They also say that they are the most loving group of people on the face of the planet. As a family, we know differently.
I know this may not be the case with every Circuit overseer but the majority walk around like little demi Gods. I have watched my entire life these "appointed by Holy Spirit" men act like God just spoke to them and sent them from above.
Ask your self this. In Ephesians 5:3 it says , " Let sexual immorality and every sort of uncleanness or greediness not even be mentioned among you, just as is proper for hole people." I find this scripture funny because it seems the JW's talk about Sex more than anyone else. See a pattern here? I have sat through meetings and assemblies and wanted to crawl under the seat because of some of the sexual acts being mentioned from the platform, while my little ones were listening.
Remember the figure of speech from Hamlet "The lady doth protest too much". It is a figure of speech to indicate that someones frequent attempts to convince others of something has helped to convince others that the opposite is true. That describes the JW's to a tee! It may also be described by the work Hypocrisy. This is the main reason we left then we learned TTATT and will NEVER go back!!!!!