Your Dad was a smart man!
i served for years as an elder in london ontario.
finally stepped aside because of the old boy network, elders covering up for one another, practice of elders and their wives party times with excessive use of alcohol.
the elders families getting slaps on the wrist for major sins.
Your Dad was a smart man!
i served for years as an elder in london ontario.
finally stepped aside because of the old boy network, elders covering up for one another, practice of elders and their wives party times with excessive use of alcohol.
the elders families getting slaps on the wrist for major sins.
We thought JW's were supposed to be different too...they are not. A tough lesson to learn. I agree with Doc...get on with your life and let those sharks in the Kingdom Hall devour each other. They deserve each other.
Glad our family escaped!
sometime ago i wrote here in this forum about the case of my sister, who decided to stop attending the meetings because she realised that the watchtower society is an evil organization.
this happened more than one year ago.
i am not living in the same country of my sister, so i learn about her case when she calls me or when she write me through whatsapp.
update - for those of you who read my last topic 'disfellowshipped at 18' i am so thankful for all the support and helpful comments i received.
it's amazing to know that despite how alone i may feel, so many of you have suffered the same way that i have.
i know that i can live happily without being one of jehovah's witnesses.
i'm curious.
what do you know from your own experience and talking to other active jws?
i know from my own informal, non-scientific survey that most jws do not watch jw.tv.
he said she gave him a strange look.
i then explained to my son that her father has no degree and barely provides for his family.
he works like a fool, .
well another big bad elder here just wanting to say sorry.. i'm sorry that so many were treated like crap, and shown that god's love is not to be found around jehovah's witnesses.
i'm sorry that inadvertently i've likely taught many to judge and as such see that racism permeates every corner of the jw world, else why else would someone be of the world, or even inactive.
i'm sorry i sat in on a jc, and voted to df.
We can only hope and pray that you are one of the VERY few good guys we know. There are some (very few) of you left but you do exist. Hopefully, you and your family can escape.
Sometimes my family and I can only hope that some of the Elders, CO's and Bethelites will TRULY see what is going on.
Occasionally, a few Elders will post but then they disappear. Some remain and we cherish their loving/kind input.
So much damage/abuse has been done to some really good and decent people. We can attest to this!
We don't know how you do it. Going trough the motions of being an Elder, meetings, field service, conventions, etc. has to be brutal.
If you can get yourself and your family out...DO IT. We have been out for about 3 years and the freedom is incredible. They talk and act as if your life will go to sh** if you leave. DON'T BELIEVE THEM...IT DOES'NT! Freedom is an incredible feeling. Happiest years of our lives!
Know that you are not alone . There are some incredibly kind and loving people here for you.
Watchtower-Free - Great Photo! LOL
That should be on the first page of jwfacts.org!
through personal experiences which i'd rather not relate because it would give away my identity i have come to a realization.
many brothers own businesses that a greatly supported by witness activities.
when local congregations need some service they will prefer to do business with a jw.
my wife is really getting on my case about not being spiritual and leading the family spiritually.
at this point, i really dont go to meetings anymore nor do i have the desire to go.
i guess its not enough that i work 50 hours a week and pay the majority of the household bills with no complaints.
Spirituality to the JW's equals tasks. We have met so many Elders wives who absolutely need their husband to be an Elder (a somebody in the Congregation).
She should be grateful that you provide well for your family and work hard. Sounds to me like she wants you to be a "somebody" in the congregation. We have seen several sisters in the Hall like this. If there husbands were removed or stepped down they (the wives) would be devastated.
Suggestion...run like hell from this cult disguised as a religion.