Posts by ToesUp
Jacksons giving a bloody witness!!!!!!!!!!!
by umbertoecho ini can't believe this crap, jackson is giving a witness to stewart......oh please no...........
Well he's gotta get his time in! lol -
What are JWs saying about the Royal Commission?
by LexIsFree ini am wondering if there are any pro-jw blogs/sites that any of you visit and whether or not jws are aware of what is going on in australia.
also, what is there reaction to it?
(i may already know the answer to that last question.
What we have heard is..."Satan is really working hard." Makes us just want to SCREAM when we hear this! -
2007 Awake mentions Child Abuse in Australia!
by SG098 inin the october 2007 awake!
page 11, the b0rg had the audacity to say this concerning child sexual abuse: "sadly, though, most of such [child abuse] crimes go unpunished by authorities today.
in australia, for example, it has been estimated that only 10 percent of offenders are prosecuted, and few are convicted.
The most amazing thing to me, is that the majority of JW's (uber) don't see this.
Most do not even know what is happening with the RC in Australia. We mentioned it to someone who has a lot of connections in NY (Beth Hell) and they did not even know what is going on. Even if they did, they would just blame it on Satans influence!
Witness behavior in my gym ....
by SecretSlaveClass inabout two months ago two very attractive ladies in their mid 30's signed on at one of the gyms i belong to.
for a while i noticed them watching me and naturally i assumed they were taking an interest in how i went about training my clients since many do before they decide to approach me and inquire about my services (i own a health and fitness consultancy).. sure enough one of them approached me a few weeks back and asked me for a business card, inquired about rates and various other aspects involved with signing on with me.
i handed her a card and explained that my client schedule was full but she should consider signing on with one of my personal trainers who still had some open spots available.
I bet she get's in plenty of hours in Field Serve Us and has her hand up for every other comment. Seen the type before.
We know of a "Sister" who was DF'd for cheating on her husband (VERY attractive sister). Not only was she cheating she was sending naked photos of herself to this dude she was doing. She was DF'ed for 6 months. Went to the Brothers to be reinstated and they immediately reinstated her . 6 months? Something tells me someone did some favors for the "Spiritual shepherds." lol
Things that make ya go....Hmmm!
To those of us now FREE....
by The Rebel inon another thread i commented " the most wonderful thing for me about having left the organisation is giving an education to my child, encouraging him to be dedicated and committed to the person he himself wants to be".
for me that is the best thing about being free from the organisations control.. what has been your best realisation having left the organisation?.
the rebel..
Glad to be free of all the judgement and finally hang out with people who REALLY truly WANT to be with you. I found it incredibly hard to watch the blatant hypocrisy! So glad we are FREE!! -
Worldly charity helps Jehovah's Witness child with life-threatening heart defect after Watchtower Society 'charity' refuses help
by jwleaks inprogram sponsors child's medical procedure .
indiana, usa.
Typical JW, past the buck to someone else. They do NOTHING for it's members. It's like a friend who always takes but never gives back.
Geoffrey Jackson Royal Commission update
by umbertoecho inhello people.
the rc will still go ahead with it's live stream on friday 14th august.
however, it seem that it will be a video link.
True Cowards! All the other lowly ones had to sit up there, why not him? I agree with Searchers comment...I smell a rat.
New Britian Branch set to open Dec. 31, 2019?
by JustVisting inaccording to the august jw broadcast the new britian branch is scheduled to open by december 31, 2019 and is currently the 2nd largest construction project (assuming warwick is the largest).
are the current facilities that spread out that a more centalized location the main reason for acquiring and developing an 85 acre site?
also, with the end looming on the horizon, what message does that send regarding making long-term plans?
2019? The end will be here before that! lol -
by BeautifulMind ini've been enjoying all of the discussions here for a good while now.
i found this site as i was researching things about this religion i've been in (finally after nagging curiosity and questions) but i wanted to figure things out more before coming on here and posting.
i'm glad to see that im not alone or crazy!
Welcome to your new freedom. Be glad you got your children out when they are little. Go out and enjoy you life!! Great news! Keep us posted on your progress.
My sons first talk
by lukejmedic inquick backstory:raised a jw, ms, reg pioneer, international need greater work.
i have been da for 2 years, divorced, ex and my son live 6 hours away near walkill ny.. my sons first talk is coming up, in august.
he is 7 years old.
So glad you were there for him. He will never forget how that felt. I am sure you are very proud of him. You sound like a fantastic Dad.