Posts by ToesUp
Knowing us...."I wonder where we are going to eat after this boring meeting is over." lol -
Active JW Elders Speak Out
by Tenacious inhey guys.. not sure if these have made the rounds (tried search feature).. eric posted these on his youtube channel jw struggle.. enjoy!.
I love these interviews that Eric does. Eric has really helped us out with our fade. I love his perspective on things. If you are on here Eric, thank you for all that you do. I want to thank the majority on here for helping us out too. It has taught us how to "play the game" of fading. We are doing things OUR WAY, giving the Elders and other busy bodies NOTHING. They have taken enough of our time and energy!
My husband and I were probably considered "losers" in the Congregation. Never "reached out" for the almighty "priviledges." You know... pioneering, need greaters, MS or Eldership. There was always something holding us back. Something just did not seem right. We never were fully engaged. Now we know why.
When we read and listen to these ones who put there all into this cult (some for many, many years), it really encourages us that we really weren't losers. Just people who saw so much wrong. It saddens me that so many thought they were doing the right thing. Serving Jehovah is all some wanted to do. They had such good intentions. Good/solid people.
For all of you that come forward and have been hurt deeply...we would like to thank you for coming forward and helping all on here and on other sites as well. We are grateful for you all!
The elders of the 1980s are now in their 60s and 70s
by truthseeker inhaving just come back from the uk and spoke with some witnesses to find out how my old congregation is doing, i realized i am now the age that my elders were when i was a kid.
and i wonder what the elders who are now in their 60s and 70s are thinking when they look in the mirror and an old face looks back at them.
many of the elders in my old hall are now retired.
" my friend had asked him one day if he still believed. His answer was actually quite honest. His father said that "Since I had believed this long, and lived this life this long, what else can I do?". Deep down he recognized it was probably all for naught, however at 70+ years old, could not face that reality. Very sad, and very typical of those in this age group."
We have family that we believe has this same mind set. They are so ingrained in this cult they don't know where else to go. They do not have "worldly jobs, worldly friends, etc." If they left today they would have NOTHING. They also have no savings. They thought the end would be here so blew through all their money.
The elders of the 1980s are now in their 60s and 70s
by truthseeker inhaving just come back from the uk and spoke with some witnesses to find out how my old congregation is doing, i realized i am now the age that my elders were when i was a kid.
and i wonder what the elders who are now in their 60s and 70s are thinking when they look in the mirror and an old face looks back at them.
many of the elders in my old hall are now retired.
"Friends, I know we are getting old, but don't despair, very soon we are going to be laughing and the rest of the world is going to be crying in despair when Armageddon finally arrives and everyone will know we had the truth."
I always found these type of statements disturbing. Sometimes I think of 9/11 when all those innocent people lost their lives. Their families lost their loved ones. Then I think of statements like the one made above. Can you imagine someone watching those buildings collapse having those same thoughts as stated above? Very sick indeed!
It seems these very sick individuals enjoy watching others suffer and die. Enjoying other peoples trials and unfortunate circumstances is disturbing.
Go on welfare!
by life is to short ini am going to make this short.
i ran into a older jw women who i have known my whole life.
she is pushing 80 and will never change.
We don't give money out. We just tell the moochers, "we don't have the money to give you." We just don't trust anyone anymore. -
Active JW Elders Speak Out
by Tenacious inhey guys.. not sure if these have made the rounds (tried search feature).. eric posted these on his youtube channel jw struggle.. enjoy!.
These interviews are worth listening to. It really shows how many are waking up. It is so good to see these Elders, MS's and Pioneers sharing their experiences and thoughts.
The GB should be VERY concerned for their future!
Introducing Myself
by Peony ini've finally got round to joining the site (after over 2 years lurking!
i was born into jws, pioneered for 10 years (met my husband at pioneer school).
had health issues that saw me catapulted away from 'the centre of the cong' and wow what a different place that was!
Welcome to your freedom! It's funny how your health gets better once you leave the org. Life is good! -
Jehovah's people are the happiest people on earth!
by Coded Logic inso this afternoon my roommate and i decided to go grab some dinner from the local chipotle and, as we live only a short distance from the franchise, we decided it was a good idea to walk.
little did i know that the j-dubs district convention here in sacramento was just getting out (the auditorium is literally smack in the middle of downtown and its attendees have to park in garages scattered a couple blocks away in every direction) so men in cheap suits and women in unflattering dress' were walking all over the place as though someone had antagonized their ungodly ant hill.
and, for sacramento, this of course is the complete opposite of the normative - that is to say, our streets are usually filled with well dressed, immaculately groomed, 'i know exactly where i'm going' government officials that monopolize the state capitol m-f. .
Wasanelder Once
Gee...where do I sign up to join these "happy people." No wonder everyone is on depression meds. At 2:14, he states people are missing meetings and field serve us. That is the standard line with the JW's, "do more, do more, do more. If you attend your meetings and go in the ministry, you will fell better." Funny thing...we NEVER felt better. We always felt better when we got home from the meetings/assemblies (boring). We hated field serve us. Just a carload of braggers and whiners. We DON'T miss it AT ALL!
Jehovah's people are the happiest people on earth!
by Coded Logic inso this afternoon my roommate and i decided to go grab some dinner from the local chipotle and, as we live only a short distance from the franchise, we decided it was a good idea to walk.
little did i know that the j-dubs district convention here in sacramento was just getting out (the auditorium is literally smack in the middle of downtown and its attendees have to park in garages scattered a couple blocks away in every direction) so men in cheap suits and women in unflattering dress' were walking all over the place as though someone had antagonized their ungodly ant hill.
and, for sacramento, this of course is the complete opposite of the normative - that is to say, our streets are usually filled with well dressed, immaculately groomed, 'i know exactly where i'm going' government officials that monopolize the state capitol m-f. .
I agree with JW GoneBad.
These families that you describe REALLY want to be with one another. No judgement, just spending good, quality time together. This cult deguised as a religion ruins families.
The local hall just got fleeced for $15,000!
by My Name is of No Consequence inthe local hall recently sold some property to the state for a road improvement project that is sorely needed.
they received about $20,000.
guess what?
Cha-ching! Everyone raised their hands because NO ONE thinks. 100% drones!