Don't just sell your home. Give the proceeds to WT and serve Jehovah (aka the Watchtower) full time. We would LOVE to "use" you!!!
All take and NO give. Typical Watchtower!
wt study edition jan. 2015.
here is the bait:.
as the number of kingdom proclaimers increases and as we near the end of this system of things, there is an urgent need for more facilities.
Don't just sell your home. Give the proceeds to WT and serve Jehovah (aka the Watchtower) full time. We would LOVE to "use" you!!!
All take and NO give. Typical Watchtower!
blondies highlights from the 09-20-2015 wt study (july 15, 2015), pages (22-26) .
excellent general website: .
bible translations .
this photo was on jw-archive.. sisters are now passing microphones due to a lack of qualified brothers.
this was in a english speaking group in slovenia .
i feel sorry for the guy in the blue shirt!
this photo was on jw-archive.. sisters are now passing microphones due to a lack of qualified brothers.
this was in a english speaking group in slovenia .
i feel sorry for the guy in the blue shirt!
This photo was on JW-Archive.
Sisters are now passing microphones due to a lack of qualified brothers. This was in a English speaking group in Slovenia . I feel sorry for the guy in the blue shirt! He must really feel like a loser!
i have seen posts on several you tube sites stating that jackson said during his rc testimony that jw's don't shun, celebrating christmas is not a disfellowshipping offence, birthdays are ok and ones doesn't have to agree with jw doctrine.
i have read most of the posts on other threads while and after his testimony but never read any of this?
did he really say these things or is someone on the net just stirring up some bs?.
I agree with William Penwell. These guys are slick with their answers. I am sure he had a flock of WT Attorney's coaching him. Slick liars!
I did like DOC's idea about sending a Christmas card! ha ha
i was often told that the only disfellowshipping offence for a j.w.
is non repentance.. what then is non repentance to the w.t?.
my answer " rejecting " w.t" doctrine and rules that demand repentance.. now the truth is i do reject " w.t" doctrine and rules.
i have to rant...i know you'll listen and understand.. i drove over to my son's place.
down one side of the road cars were parked making only room for one vehicle to travel.
here was a car that didn't have right of way approaching.
He did the "loving" thing! He shunned you, hoping that you would return to Jah! lol's a loving provision from Jehovah. WTF?
when i left in march officially i started reading the forums here.
i had this excitement that more people would be leaving soon because of the crazy broadcasts, the crazy "new light" that the gb was dishing out, and more recently the australian royal commission lighting up geoffrey.
this past saturday i had an elder stop by to chat for the first time since i left.
Check out how many Elders have their kids in college. This tells the R & F...we really don't think the end is that close. Don't get me wrong, I am all for college. It's when the Elder gets up and reads the Watchtower (the anti education Watchtower) and has his kid in college. How hypocritical can you get!!!
yesterday jw knocked on my door, i was sitting in the office with the window right next to it, they couldn't see me & i decided not to answer.
they stood there for what seemed ages & as i watched something hit me.
they were here only because they were on the territory.
That is sad. I am sorry they treat your Mom that way. Sorry to say that if your Mom was well off she would get plenty of attention. Sad but true!
so i live in the area of the 'valley' wildfire in northern california.
i just returned home after 3 days evacuated.
there is a family who run a fitness center and had opened their doors in disaster relief to affected people with beds, food, clothing and shelter.