I think that was a GREAT way to show them . Maybe they will all learn something valuable (TTATT).
The internet is doing a number on this cult.
I like Sir82's comment...maybe the brother wants others to know what he knows. Good ole TTATT!
so last night i went to the meeting with my family.
had not gone in 2 weeks.
as usual i sat down reading the bible.
I think that was a GREAT way to show them . Maybe they will all learn something valuable (TTATT).
The internet is doing a number on this cult.
I like Sir82's comment...maybe the brother wants others to know what he knows. Good ole TTATT!
i always enjoyed being kind.
when someone genuinely needed a hand or what not, it felt good to help family or friends.. i don't really miss them anymore.
i faded over two years ago, so they long ago shunned me.i think about them less and less and have even forgotten some names.i did enjoy some of the friendships and the association.
It's truly amazing how quickly these ones will turn on you. It's an eye opener for sure.
We have been shown kindness from neighbors, non JW friends and business aquaintances. We will give these people kindness in return. They are the ones who are doing the acts of kindness unconditionally.
If you don't want to be in the good ole boys club anymore, you're gonna have to pay. What ever happened to winning a mate (this could apply to anyone) over without a word. In other words, be loving (take the high road). Be kind, it may bring this "weak one" back to Jah. Bottom line...this is a cruel cult with zero holy spirit.
we all remember, one of the main reasons for removing the bookstudy was the high gas prices, well, have you looked at the gas prices today?
nationwide, the lowest is about $1.65, the highest is about $2.67.
isn't that right about the same gas prices as when they cancelled the bookstudy in the first place?
The letter as stated that they did not want to cause further burden to the brothers and sisters.
BURDEN? I remember my jaw dropping on that one. We were always taught that the Book study was one of the most important meetings and now it's a Burden? WT are great spin doctors!
over on the silentlambs facebook site is a copy of a document that purports to be an order by the service depart to destroy files relating to child molestation cases: https://www.facebook.com/silentlambs/photos/a.571978169529812.1073741826.144752662252367/970409503020008/?type=3&theater.
have any of you seen this?
is this a real document or bogus?.
i always enjoyed being kind.
when someone genuinely needed a hand or what not, it felt good to help family or friends.. i don't really miss them anymore.
i faded over two years ago, so they long ago shunned me.i think about them less and less and have even forgotten some names.i did enjoy some of the friendships and the association.
" It's all or nothing with them, either you're with them wholeheartedly or you're out."
So glad to be OUT!
i here jw saying the df arrangement is loveing is the shunning arrangement also loveing?
"The reality is that you don't even need to be disfellowshipped to be shunned.
Pure gossip and innuendo spread slyly through the congregation members is enough to make them act like we are the devil himself..."
Yes...we are experiencing that. They "mark" you! They may not know any facts but just listen to others gossip. You really don't know how deep this goes until you feel it yourself. It's a real eye opener. As much as it hurts, it is well worth the freedom we feel. Free at last!!!!
I read an article written by Oprah regarding gossip . She stated that gossip is an assassination attempt by cowards (insecure people). She's right...cowards!
hello i am john a student of naperville north high school.
in a comparative religion project we have to research a branch of christianity mine being jehovah's witness and do an interview so this is out to all jehovah's witnesses or former jehovah's witnesses.. what do you enjoy about being jehovah's witness and what do you enjoy the least?.
what is communion like for jehovah's witnesses?.
I don't think you will find anyone saying favorable things on this site. So many have been abused and hurt.
We know more JW's (family included) that are on anti depressants and swallow the pills with alcohol. If it is such a positive experience being part of the most loving organization, why are so many taking meds? I never drank as much alcohol as when I was a JW. Something just wasn't right about the cult disguised as a religion.
It's a cult.
hello i am john a student of naperville north high school.
in a comparative religion project we have to research a branch of christianity mine being jehovah's witness and do an interview so this is out to all jehovah's witnesses or former jehovah's witnesses.. what do you enjoy about being jehovah's witness and what do you enjoy the least?.
what is communion like for jehovah's witnesses?.
Hi John.
I was born in JW. Man, do I ever with I was not born into this.
My family and I exited the cult 3 years ago. Best decision we EVER made.
Once they are done "loving you", they will eat you up and spit you out. The most abusive experience of my entire life.
Anyone contemplating becoming a JW....RUN LIKE HELL!!!!
Typical JW. As long as it doesn't affect them. Disturbing!
got this very interesting email last night and i thought i'd share it.. this is from the local rbc.. "in harmony with our new ldc form we have been asked by the branch to liquidate all current assets of used tools and materials once owned by the rbc.
you are invited to visit the equipment trailers to acquire items being liquidated by the rbc asset team, these items will be offered on a first come bases with voluntary donation.
if you see any item you like please be in position to take it with you at that time, after you return to your congregation then you will make a donation of cash or check in the congregation contribution box designated for the support of the worldwide work.