Posts by ToesUp
The watchtowers view on Rape!!! must see
by Khaleesi inthis person did a great job putting this together... i am disgusted with wt policies & them acting both judge & jurywatch "noonespecial - rapists - jw" on .
Sick! Another confirmation that we left a disturbing cult. -
interesting hospital encounter
by stan livedeath inmy 94 year old jw dad is now in hospital--i visit him every day.. in the opposite corner of the ward were a group of visitors to an oldish chap.
my dub-dar caught words like kingdom hall and watchtower from the rather loud voiced woman i took to be the patients wife.
she also mentioned a dub by name ive known for 40+years--so i guessed they are in the local congregation to my dad.. as i was leaving--the woman said to me--"what a loving --dutiful son i am.
Great job Stan. .
I think the blatant lack of love is starting to make many wake up.
YMCA ? Are we allowed to go there or not?
by Quarterback inhalf of our congregation goes there to work out because of the good pool facilities and prices, and the other half think that it's wrong due to it's old charter.
but no one is enforcing the wrong or right of it.
i'd be interested in knowing how this is being applied worldwide.
If someone finds out you belong to the Y, just tell em you joined just to use the pool. Kind of like the WT was part of the UN for access to the library. HYPOCRITES! -
The Elders are Coming Help!
by LaurenM inso the elders keep bugging me and pestering me about having a meeting with them to "introduce me to my new congregation" for some reason (do any ex elders know what that even means??).
i keep postponing and making excuses and they are getting more and more aggressive.
i finally agreed for them to come over today, but really don't want to..should i hide from them again?
If you don't want them there, tell them that you are doing fine. Tell them to leave their phone #'s and if you need them you will contact them. We had the same thing happen to us. Once you let them in, they will not stop. They are persistent little buggers. You are in control, DO NOT give them the control. They are snooping around. -
So my best friend was reinstated last night
by LexIsFree inso my brother-in-law, who is also my best friend, was reinstated last night.
i had an idea that he was trying to make his way back to the cult because i had been texting and calling him for about 3 months now and no answer from him.
when he text me this morning to tell me the news i wasn't shocked, but i was saddened.
We have a member in our family that was reinstated and now doesn't attend. She came back just for family. If I told you her story , it would reveal too much. What they did to this girl is unbelievable. Gee, no wonder she doesn't want to go back to the KH. -
So my best friend was reinstated last night
by LexIsFree inso my brother-in-law, who is also my best friend, was reinstated last night.
i had an idea that he was trying to make his way back to the cult because i had been texting and calling him for about 3 months now and no answer from him.
when he text me this morning to tell me the news i wasn't shocked, but i was saddened.
What goes around eventually comes around. Sometimes it takes some time. It's all in peoples perception. If they want to believe they will and visa versa. Even if the WT gets revealed, people will still believe, if they decide to do so.
It hurts when the ones we love shun us. We are human after all.
Who says this cult disguised as a religion doesn't destroy families and relationships?
FB experience
by WasOnceBlind inso on last saturday, one of my good child hood friends (i consider her like a real sister) who is da posted on facebook that she was going to be having a birthday party for her son.
well another person we grew up with immediately posted a comment about how she should know better then to celebrate bdays and referenced 2 peter 2:20-22 (about being like a dog turning to its own vomit).
i countered with with luke 11:37-49 and didn't hear back.
We know several still in JW's who celebrate birthdays. They may not come right out and say happy birthday but they do make a big deal of birthdays. They make phone calls the day of your birthday, give gifts and take that person out for a "special" dinner. Hypocrites! -
Peter Sutcliffe - I thought he was a JW now......?
by punkofnice in
It's funny how they will bend over backwards for a serial killer but completely shun a teenager who lights up a doobie or a cigarette. You just can't make this shi* up! -
I never understood field service...
by Joliette init was always boring, and i was afraid that i was gonna get attacked by a dog.
i actually almost got attacked by a rottweiler once.
i didnt get paid for it, nobody listened to us, i actually had guys make passes at me while i was out doing street corner, i was always afraid i would get grouped and raped.
Everyone hates field serve us. They only ones that "like" it are the older or more affluent ones. They ones that can't or don't have to work. It is all about the socialization.
We have 2 members of our family that pioneer. Two of the laziest people I have EVER met in my life. Trust me...if pioneering was hard, these 2 would be the last people that would sign up. They like it because they get to do two of their favorite things, sit and gossip.
Feeling rejected
by Esmeralda001 injust a little disclaimer: english isn't my first language (i'm from france) thus the poor writing is the situation: i'm not a jw.
however, i'm in the process of becoming one.
in fact, i'm studying with the jw's, and i'll proceed to become an unbaptized publisher as soon as i finish the first make a long story short i was introduced to the truth when i was 18een.
So sorry that you are getting treated poorly. One of the main reasons our entire immediate family left this crazy cult. The lack of love is just incredible.
If you are attractive, have a good personality and are seeking to get a higher education, they will come after you with a vengence or ignore you completely. You see...they think they are better than you. This will not get better. I will be very blunt here, run like hell. I wanted to leave this cult at 14 years old and wish that I had never been born into it. There are good people within in but the majority would love to see you fail and fail miserably. I had one sister (well several) treat me the same way. Best advise...RUN!
If these are the people I will have to live with in paradise, I will enjoy my life now and take my chances. Nothing is worth getting treated like dirt.
Keep on seeking that education, take good care of yourself live a happy and successful life. That's the best revenge!