Posts by ToesUp
Can somebody explain the songs and songbook obsession?
by careful ini've been out a while and have only put in a rare appearance at a memorial or brief visit at a convention/assembly to keep people off my back, so i haven't kept up on the songbook.
but one thing i've noticed that the org.
has been doing that they never did when i was in is all these "supplemental songs" that keep appearing.
I believe each GB member has his own special project. David Splane seem to be in all the new song video's and even directing the chorus. What ever the case, the new songs are not very good. -
by Esmeralda001 ingreetings,it seems that jw immediately assume that all "wordly" people (as they like to call it) are immoral and unworthy of their trust.
i sort of understand how it can be dangerous for a christian to have association with someone who doesn't share their values, but don't you think that some members take the conceal lied in corinthians 15:33 to the extreme?
what about romans 2:14?
The JW's have the dirtiest minds. They think everything and everyone is evil and everyone will have sex with one another. They don't even trust other JW's.
If you are studying with these people...RUN! We were born in (50 plus years) and is just gets worse the longer you stay in.
Our fade-gossip-elders calling
by All for show inlooking back we had been fading without even realizing it.
life happened...and we weren't regular.
then we woke up and have actively been fading for 9 months.
I like Giordno's idea. Once you mention legal counsel they will run for the hills. Just say NO to bullying!
I also like the finger salute! lol
Our fade-gossip-elders calling
by All for show inlooking back we had been fading without even realizing it.
life happened...and we weren't regular.
then we woke up and have actively been fading for 9 months.
The sister's who saw your husband. Have already spread this information to the entire circuit, then to your elders. Don't waste your time on people that are only looking to cause you harm! Enjoy your life. -
Try not to laugh at this WBT$ quote!!
by punkofnice infor over a century, delightful, correct words of truth covering every aspect of life have been presented in the watch tower society's publications - wt 1990 december 15 p 26.
Quote from Hitler:
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.”
Elders who dislike other congregation elders
by RULES & REGULATIONS inmy congregation had four elders who had different would see a little friction among themselves.. #1 self-righteous and the 800 pound gorilla.he would push everyone around in the congregation and even some fellow elders.. # 2 elder was around 80 years old and looked like he stuck around a little too looked like he was around because he never decided to give up the position.his duty became very light as he aged.. # 3 elder was in his early 30's and newly elected.he made no waves and whatever was asked of him in the congregation he would do.easy to push around like a little puppy dog.. #4 elder (who everyone liked ) was easy to get along with and had a family who everyone loved.
he didn't like elder # 1. they had a power struggle amongst each other which everyone observed while the meetings were in session.. here are 2 small verbal fights that i observed while the congregation meetings were in session:.
while elder # 1 was giving a talk ( heavy rain storms are brewing outside with loud thunder and lightning ) the microphones and lights are knocked out.we lost all power and could barely see.
That's all that will be left in this organization soon. Bullies and power hungry "men."
They will devour each other! You can see it coming!
While we were building our Hall years ago, two Elders almost came to physical blows with one another. It was disturbing to watch. They were 2 power hungry bullies, each wanting their own way. BUT...they were chosen with holy spirit, Jehovahs chosen ones, stars and Princes. Ha!
WT claims to have completed "Peak Construction Phase of New World Headquarters"
by wifibandit in
are they just moving the goal posts now that 2016 is almost upon us?.
It's perfect. It looks like a corporate business. How fitting...cold and businesslike. Perfect for them!
Once the compound is complete they will lock it down. No one but the servants (maids, etc) will be able to enter.
Finally heard a Dub defend overlapping generations
by Socrateswannabe insince the overlapping generations doctrine was introduced, i have found the jws i know to be uncharacteristically silent on the subject.
i can't remember hearing a single dub try to defend this idiocy.
but that all ended recently.
I bet if you asked this "sister" to explain it to someone, she couldn't. It makes zero sense! -
"High" education
by Esmeralda001 indid any of you guys disregard the wt recommendations and pursue a career.
if you answer "yes": was your journey easy?
are you happy with the end result?
No...I think you should just be vague about the info you supply to them. You don't have to go into detail about your schooling. I have gone even as far as telling some of the more intrusive/nosy ones that it's really none of their business or I'd rather not speak about it.
They can't throw the negativity at you if they don't have any information.
If they ask how school is going, tell them it's challenging but you are enjoying the challenge. Or just say, it is going fine. Smile....they hate it when you smile. lol
"High" education
by Esmeralda001 indid any of you guys disregard the wt recommendations and pursue a career.
if you answer "yes": was your journey easy?
are you happy with the end result?
We have several in our family that are now into their late 60's. They are still working hard physically. They have no retirement and are paying the high cost of medical insurance due to being self employed. These were the ones that were told (via JW literature) back in 1969 that they would not need education because the end was sooo close. These ones chose to pioneer. Are they resentful? Yes they are. We hear it all of the time. They are now encouraging us to get our children educated so they can support themselves.
What really stands out with the Governing Body is how they discourage ones from higher education and then in the next breath they are asking for anyone with degrees (lawyers, accountants, medical, engineering, construction, etc) to volunteer on construction projects, etc. Come on...this is the highest form of hypocrisy there is!
The explanation we have received on this one is. If it is for "kingdom interests" then the higher education is ok. In other words, if it can benefit ($$$$) the WT, it is ok to do. That mindset seems to be a pattern. If it benefits the org it's ok. Really?