["I'm an active JW in good standing. Everyone is welcome here!"]
............................AND WHAT'S YOUR POINT?
i have a elder trying to screw with me because he protects pedophiles and claims they can be rehabilitated.
he's doing his jw attacks while nobody is around because he knows he can lie about me and my family even if there are three witnesses the jw elders don't do squat!
they cower because all the elders are terrified of this bully, he brags about how great his business is but i know so many secrets about him and his wife.
["I'm an active JW in good standing. Everyone is welcome here!"]
............................AND WHAT'S YOUR POINT?
i have a elder trying to screw with me because he protects pedophiles and claims they can be rehabilitated.
he's doing his jw attacks while nobody is around because he knows he can lie about me and my family even if there are three witnesses the jw elders don't do squat!
they cower because all the elders are terrified of this bully, he brags about how great his business is but i know so many secrets about him and his wife.
in a recent thread someone mentioned that the wtbts uses mind control techniques.
do you think this is a conscious ploy?
if it is it would mean that the leaders of my religion (i am still an active jw) set out consciously to control people.
how do you say it where you are?
geehovah or jahovah?
hey people, .
i am soon going into a kh for the first time and i could use some advice around etiquette etc.
i know next to nothing besides the fundamental beliefs of jws, i personally dont believe in any religion, and that stance isnt ever going to change, however i don't want to come across as rude or disrespectful.
I am soon going into a KH for the first time and I could use some advice around etiquette etc.
I thought this site was mainly composed of Ex J-Dubs? People searching for advice on getting out......Not getting in.
I'm no J-Dub and never will be even if I was poked with pins and needles like a VooDoo Doll.
Like someone else said, you will leave your brain at the door.......And another said make sure your wearing a good set of running shoes. I think I'd keep my brain and slip on the running shoes. Can't see anything good ever come out of passing through the doors of King Dumb Hole............
I wonder what "worldly people" thought when the quote the letter about "worldly people."
I think of them as "Devil People"............
jw have announced that they will no longer be doing door to door as they have realized that the door to door salesman is on a decline.. now they will be putting all of their effort into cold calling via a telephone as they feel this will be more effective means to reach people.
jw call centers will be set up at local kingdom halls so that all jw will now reach out to people via a hard copy of the yellow pages and white pages.
they have seen the success of telemarketers and can't wait to try out this new and revolutionary way to reach people via a telephone.
Tell them to "F" off and slam the door.......
Or tell them to "F" off and slam down the phone.
Hmmmmm, I don't know? Seems like might be more effective.
important news:.
here in the united states, on wednesday morning, march 11th at 12:35 a.m., est, barring any breaking news the day before, the program, nightline, will air as their lead story a 9-minute segment about the watchtower (jehovah's witnesses).
the program is 30 minutes long and this segment is only one part of the show.
thw wts likes to play games with their statistics.
one interesting but truly tragic is the number of jwhovah's witnesses who commit suicie.. now i suspect that if a person commits suicide shortly before or after they are disfellowshipped then the elders would say that person wasn't a witness or that they had done something so terrible that they were too guilty to admit it and by their action of committing suicide they pretty much declared they were no longer a jw.. yup fancy talk to make sure any crap didn't fall on them.. so my question.. do you know of cases like this?
if so then can you answer a few more questions.. had this person been dfed or in real danger of being dfed or whatever the equivalent is if they were never baptized?.
JW Takes her life with a train
This was pretty "Hush-Hush" but I know about this from an inside source where she worked at Canada Post. The big thing is it really emotionally fucked up the train engineers involved.
my wife called me at work saying she is scared after reading today's daily text.
i don't read it anymore, therefore i went online and found this.. tuesday, march 3 .
those days will be cut short.matt.