i can't believe he typed that...
we weren't doing anything in the bathroom- it was afterwards...
okay- at least i had some fun!!!!!
love you all
what are they doing in the bathroom as i type this meesage; inquiring minds want to know.
just kidding.he's just washing the hair coloring out of his hair as she helps.
i can't believe he typed that...
we weren't doing anything in the bathroom- it was afterwards...
okay- at least i had some fun!!!!!
love you all
ok chrissystar434 is my best friend christine.. she was never a jw- she studied with me for awhile just to hang out.. anyways- she is really shy- so go ahead and talk to her first.. welcome chrissy!!!!!!.
i don't remember everyone welcoming ME like this!
katie- did
ok chrissystar434 is my best friend christine.. she was never a jw- she studied with me for awhile just to hang out.. anyways- she is really shy- so go ahead and talk to her first.. welcome chrissy!!!!!!.
ok chrissystar434 is my best friend christine.
she was never a jw- she studied with me for awhile just to hang out.
anyways- she is really shy- so go ahead and talk to her first.
welcome chrissy!!!!!!
ps- adam is new too- the three of us all hang out. now all we need is to get the cute austin to register so i can have MY fun!
hi guys.
i have been showing my friends this place because i talk about it alot and i am always on the internet when they call.
plus i asked my friend christine to come with me to dallas in august.. so anyways, my friend adam told me the other day that he registered here so he could learn more about the "jehovah's"!.
hi guys
i have been showing my friends this place because i talk about it alot and i am always on the internet when they call. plus i asked my friend christine to come with me to dallas in august.
so anyways, my friend adam told me the other day that he registered here so he could learn more about the "jehovah's"!
i thought that was too cool.
he was not raised a witness, but only hears about them through me.
so everyone... please welcome adam!
(i think his screen name is adf8... something... i am not sure)
g'day cyber junkets.. now this personality test is good, very good.. i would be very interested to see the results from most posters.. i came up a type 5, the investigator.
so accurate.. i can see simon as type 9, englishman as the definative 7, alan .
fur-burger is a natural 8 ( with a definite twist of 6 ), princess is a 4 through and through and naeblis, well....he thinks he is a 3 but he is really a hardcore 5.. well was i close ???.
i scored high with the type 2, 6, and 7.
this afternoon while wasting time at the promenade mall, in temecula, ca (southern cal) i had a hard time containing my laughter.
just in front of me were two women behind a table full of wbts literature.
what caught my eye was a young people ask sign.
yes they have mall witnessing here in sac, ca also.
they see me and they avoid me.
but i avoid them first.
nobody talks to them.
only the drunken ghetto homeless people.
be careful with 'empty'......... http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=2578&site=3.
also did you know about 'empty's wife'?.
i know about empty's wife...
i did her last night... ;)
the "single and fun" katie
a few nights ago i asked two of my friends to watch the "young people ask: how can i make real friends?
" video with me, so that i could get an objective outside opinion.
and after watching it, we got into an hour long discussion about individual thought, the freedom of the mind, and the diffrences between personal opinions and forced opinions.
stupid video.
my mom made me watch it all the time.
she said it was a wholesome 'dawson's creek'
what a load of shit.
my oldest son who is now 18 y/o remembers when he was not allowed to have a crash test dummy toy because of a statement printed in the wt magazine when he was a child... he never forgot.
i could not remmeber so i went back and looked it up and sure enough it was mentioned in the rag not by name but by the description of the toy.
this week i bought him some crash test dummy toys off ebay, i am sure he won't have as much fun with them today as he would have many years ago but better late then never.
i remember the smurf stories
we had the furby debate in our hall- because they could peek into the future (like the 8 ball toy)
also pokemon were demonized in our hall...
a week ago i posted about our first visit from the tooth fairy.
well, tooth number two escaped this evening.
it was so loose my husband pulled it before dinner so it wouldn't have the same fate as the first!.
yes- i am a red head too. anyone see that movie, anne of green gables? people say i look like her and act like her too.
this guy i like has red hair, but then again so did timothy