Why not whites only clubs? Schools? Scholarships? etc. They have blacks only that do this. Equal time!
JoinedPosts by spiritwalker
"whites only" scholarship
by crownboy inthe aclu has recently defended the right of a college republican group to issue a "whites only" scholarship on free speech grounds.
even before knowing the aclu (of which i am a proud member) was involved, my sentiments pretty much mirrored their's.
Tips For People Who Visit the South
by Tatiana intips for visitors to the south .
if you are going to live, or visit in the south, you .
we stop when it's red.
99. High school is considered higher education down here, and many choose not to attend. :)
Tell us something we don't know
by ball. in.
come on, tell us a random fact or two about you that bears no relevance to anything else.. i am getting repetative strain injury from holding a mouse.. i've also always wanted to go on "who wants to be a millionare" and say "i'll take the money" after the first 100 and walking out.. .
If you warm up a glass of water in a microwave for 10 minutes and then place a metal spoon into it. It will blow up.
Okay, this is just weird, but what do you think?
by spiritwalker inokay this is really off the wall, or maybe i am reading to much religious history and sci-fi publications, but this had me wondering last night and i had to post it.
i was reading some information lately on how ancient people might have viewed alien visitation in their lives.
many people figure that this might be something viewed as gods and perhaps some of the legends or even the highest religious books, are based some visitations from other worlds.
I did read a book that said that alien races have controlled this species since the beginning of time. They used religion at first, when man was ignorant and easy to control. Then in time they used thought that seemed out there, like aliens and ghost. To promote the "what if" and keep people who feel sane, from realizing that their might be some truth in the rumors. So perhaps we never left the lab, we only out grew the petree dish.
Okay, this is just weird, but what do you think?
by spiritwalker inokay this is really off the wall, or maybe i am reading to much religious history and sci-fi publications, but this had me wondering last night and i had to post it.
i was reading some information lately on how ancient people might have viewed alien visitation in their lives.
many people figure that this might be something viewed as gods and perhaps some of the legends or even the highest religious books, are based some visitations from other worlds.
The Raelians
I looked into them once and they are just like all religions. Asking that you have faith in what can not be proven. While I think they did kind of have something like I mentioned. I remember them having a big hang up on a savior that is their leader. Which does not work for me. Plus, that whole "we cloned someone", but will never show proof thing. Just did not do it for me either.
Okay, this is just weird, but what do you think?
by spiritwalker inokay this is really off the wall, or maybe i am reading to much religious history and sci-fi publications, but this had me wondering last night and i had to post it.
i was reading some information lately on how ancient people might have viewed alien visitation in their lives.
many people figure that this might be something viewed as gods and perhaps some of the legends or even the highest religious books, are based some visitations from other worlds.
Okay this is really off the wall, or maybe I am reading to much religious history and sci-fi publications, but this had me wondering last night and I had to post it.
I was reading some information lately on how ancient people might have viewed alien visitation in their lives. Many people figure that this might be something viewed as Gods and perhaps some of the legends or even the highest religious books, are based some visitations from other worlds. Passed down in legends that could only be explained in the way those people could relate to. So I got to thinking, what about the legend of Adam and Eve? What if ....
What if the couple of the seed of life planted on this planet to grow the human race by a alien race?
What if the alien race was the "God" that was actually referred to as "moving in the garden" in a way that sounded like he was not always with the couple. Doesn't it seem for example, that Adam and Eve felt their eating of the forbidden fruit was done out of "God's eye." Which seems to be very out of place with the thought of a "all knowing" and "all seeing" god. Which a perfect man would know, right?
What was the fruit the couple ate that made them so happy? Could this have been some mind controlling drug that kept the human race in a state that was easier to control.
Could the serpent actually another alien race that was feeling bad for the species and explained to them to stop taking the drug and to free their minds and get out. Letting them know, that despite what they were told. The drug would not kill them if they stopped and life outside the garden would not end once they left?
Was the garden, actually a controlled lab environment?
Just something I was thinking about and it is bizarre, but think about it. How would the events I described, be passed down by people who might have been pulled from cave life and been genetically engineered to jump to what we know man to be today?
Democrat or Republican?
by spiritwalker inwhen i left the witnesses, i decided it was time to vote.
so i registered republican and went to voting all republican and conservative.
i figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the democrats that i have seen.
When I left the Witnesses, I decided it was time to vote. So I registered Republican and went to voting all Republican and conservative. I figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the Democrats that I have seen. They seemed like the lesser of the two evils. In time, and with more research, I learned that they were only a little better then a Democrat. So I went to registering Independent and yet I still find that I do still vote along Republican lines. I can not help it, every Democrat I meet, seems to be a walking lie. So how do you feel?
Why am I so negative about Democrats? Well it started when I started researching what the parties stand for and what they do. It seemed that Democrats promoted the idea, of preying on the less educated and in many cases, the more ignorant parts of this country. For example, the elderly and minority vote, who in most cases. Have less education and get scared easily with certain pop phrases. For example, I could go to the elderly man next door and say, "George W is saying he will take away your Medicare and that man would vote for Kerry." Most likely, he would not even look up what I said. He would just be so scared, that he would do what ever it takes to hold on to something he values and from what I have seen, that is exactly what the Democratic party does. As for the minorities and welfare class. Often, especially in certain parts of the country, they lack education and they love government assistance. Love it!!! No that is to little a world, they LIVE by it. So when Democrats want their vote, what do the commercials say, "George W is going to cut welfare!" Which gets them to working for one day every four years, when they work themselves down to the polls and vote Democrat out of fear.
I am one of those people who actually thinks this government should have some sort of testing to see if someone is stable minded enough to vote. Perhaps a required education level, even something as simple of having a high school diploma. Just so the people who get emotionally used, could not make a swing vote to something that is simply not real. This way, both parties would be forced to realize that the voting public is not wanting lies, but facts. Which is a hard word to here in politics, as no facts are possible and no President is as powerful as people think they are.
As for Republicans, to give equal time here. I am sick and tired of having them push their morals on me, when I do not agree. This is not the 1950's and people do have a right to their freedom. I do not want Howard Stern off the air, because Janet Jackson flashed the world. I do not want prayer in school and I do not think that private schools should be paid for by the government. As private schools are often churches and that would mean that a organization that is void of taxes in most cases, would be seeing their highest profit from taxes paid for other reasons.
So I guess I vote with what ever works, but I refuse to be attached in registration to these parties and I was wondering. Now that you are free of the religion and allowed to vote. Which way did your politics take you?
What does your user name here mean?
by LyinEyes ini don't know what eles to call it , i guess it is the user name....lol.......so what does yours mean?.
i think awhile back i might have asked this,,,,,,,but it was way back and so many new ones here that i am just getting to know, and ones who came in here while i was not here as much.
there may be a thread on this in the last recent months, i am not sure,,,,if so, if there are any new ones who want to tell why they choose their user names,,,,,please do.. i will tell you why my name is lyineyes,,,,,many have asked me that here lately.
I heard it in a song once and liked it.
Why does it have to be gay "marriage?"
by spiritwalker ini know this a hot topic, but i had some thinking on it i wanted to discuss.
to begin, i have nothing against a gay man or lesbian woman and consider many to be friends.
i would also like to express from the beginning in plain thought, "i think gay unions should be legal and do not see why it matters.".
I guess I was right about one thing no one can doubt, "hot topic!"
Are Posters Deleted Forever?
by Simon inthis is a moderated forum and unfortunately it's occassionally necessary to deactivate accounts of posters who purposefully and/or repeatedly violate the simple & sensible posting guidelines, there to ensure that the forum is a welcoming and friendly place to visit.
most deletions are not permanent however.
we appreciate that some are the results of misunderstandings or personal circumstances coloring people's behavior.
How could you ever expect to have any order in a room, without some structure. Just because we are former Witnesses, does it mean we should be terrible people with no care for any and out of control. Cheers for keeping order and I would bet it makes you very unpopular with some and popular with lots. Who cares though, it is your board and chaos would exist if EVERYONE had their way.