Why is it, with all the money and education in this world. With all the talent that is brought to the forefront and variety among us. Is there no greater comedy movies then those done by "The Three Stooges" "Laurel and Hardy" "Abbot and Costello" and "Charlie Chaplin?" I can sit and watch these old movies for hours and enjoy it all and frankly the film quality sucks! Yet if I see a modern actor try to do something like them, I am thinking "this is lame!" I remember the actor "John Ritter" used to be compared to them. Yeah right! He was nothing and frankly I thought he always came off looking stupid and off tune to what ever these old actors had. Never have I seen anyone do what they did and only they can make me laugh at their work, watching it. What do you think? Did the age old talent die with them?
JoinedPosts by spiritwalker
A question I can not answer
by spiritwalker inwhy is it, with all the money and education in this world.
with all the talent that is brought to the forefront and variety among us.
is there no greater comedy movies then those done by "the three stooges" "laurel and hardy" "abbot and costello" and "charlie chaplin?
Okay, this is just weird, but what do you think?
by spiritwalker inokay this is really off the wall, or maybe i am reading to much religious history and sci-fi publications, but this had me wondering last night and i had to post it.
i was reading some information lately on how ancient people might have viewed alien visitation in their lives.
many people figure that this might be something viewed as gods and perhaps some of the legends or even the highest religious books, are based some visitations from other worlds.
I think that as man advances beyond seeing myth as reality, they will start to see that things like Stargate or other sci-fi applications. Could have more to do with life then angels with wings that control the world. Just have to realize, "how would early man have seen this?"
Democrat or Republican?
by spiritwalker inwhen i left the witnesses, i decided it was time to vote.
so i registered republican and went to voting all republican and conservative.
i figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the democrats that i have seen.
I made it a point to ask 10 people I work with and do not normally talk to, "what political party they are?" All of them answered and not one was in any sort of hang up about it. As a matter of fact, it made for great conversation. To add, 7 Republicans, 2 Democrats and 1 Green Party. Just some FYI, and why I do not understand the point to the other side.
Democrat or Republican?
by spiritwalker inwhen i left the witnesses, i decided it was time to vote.
so i registered republican and went to voting all republican and conservative.
i figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the democrats that i have seen.
Two ways to loss a friend, discuss religion or politics. We do one, why not the other. Time to live on the edge a bit.
Democrat or Republican?
by spiritwalker inwhen i left the witnesses, i decided it was time to vote.
so i registered republican and went to voting all republican and conservative.
i figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the democrats that i have seen.
Yes and considering that Bill Clinton taught us that sex and politics are as fitting as a stained blue dress. We should know better.
How Many People Know You Frequent "Apostate" Boards?
by minimus in.
a total of 5 people know i post here.
what about you??
I don't know anyone who would care. If someone asked, I would say I come to these from time to time. I don't Frequent anything when it comes to the internet
Will someone invite you to the memorial?
by JH in.
most of us didn't go to the memorial since years.
do the elders come over once a year to invite you to go, or maybe a friend?.....or do they just ignore you?
After this amount of time passsing, I would doubt it. They all know better.
Democrat or Republican?
by spiritwalker inwhen i left the witnesses, i decided it was time to vote.
so i registered republican and went to voting all republican and conservative.
i figured, they might not be perfect, but unlike the democrats that i have seen.
I am no longer a Witness. So I no longer understand the fear of asking any questions. Perhaps I need to remember the setting of the board and that some fears could still be in place. I am just happy they are not in me.
Could You REALLY Explain All The Beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus ini'll bet that most could not explain why jws believe that 1914 was a marked year, the watchtower definition of the faithful & discreet slave, not accepting blood transfusions, the differences between porneia, loose conduct and uncleanness, etc..........
With the Trinity, I never understood either side. Why did people want to believe in it, and why did we not? I did teach it a couple of times in Bible Studies, and had it taught to me by people who believed in it. I have to admit, I was always lost and thinking, "Is this really that important?"
Comments You Will Not Hear at the 3-21-04 WT Study
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 3-21-04 wt study
review comments will be in black and parentheses ().
1 corinthians 7:29 (nwt) moreover, this i say, brothers, the time left is reduced.
Not to be negative, but you seem to spend way to much time reading the former religions publications. Isn't it time to leave it alone and not let it be so much of your life. Just my first thought, from looking over the long post.